Paul McCartney 5

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Imagine Paul was acting strange around you for a quite time, when you wanna see him or kiss him like every couples does. He just walks away or runs away or acts like someone called his name. You didn't knew what was wrong, until one day it broke your heart when you find out the truth.

"Hey John?" You called his name. He look up from his book and said "What is it?" "Have you seen Paul?" He stiffens a little and sigh nervously "N-no I haven't seen h-him." Why is he stuttering? You giggle "Cat got your tongue?" You question while laughing. You have never in your life heard John stuttering.

{John's POV}

I chuckle nervously, and gulp. "Haha... Yeah, I guess so..." I lie. Poor Y/n she deserves to know the truth but I don't want to betray Paul. He's me best friend since we met. Damn you Paul!

"Alright John, I'll look for him then. See ya." She left and I sigh sadly. "Shit... I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry." Tears fell, I'm worse than Paul, I as her best friend didn't told her. God I feel guilty. Such a beautiful gal, with pretty face and absolutely beautiful personality has to know the horrible truth. I can't believe why Paul can't see that.

{Y/n's POV}

Now where could Paul be? This studio is so big that I could easily lose myself. You giggle by that thought and went to other hallway. You passed my George that you didn't knew it was him until you heard his voice. "Ey' love, Ye ewalking fast, was the hurry love?" George ask. "Oh I'm sorry George I didn't notice it was you." You chuckle. He laugh a little and pat your shoulder. "It's alright love, what's the hurry though?" Maybe he knows where Paul is. I clear my throat, have you seen Paul?"

{George's POV}

Bloody hell! I started to sweat and gulp hard and guiltiness. "Oh um... I-I don't where is he... Perhaps he's in that room around the corner."

{Y/n's POV}

Why is George stuttering? This is getting strange and suspicious. I mean every time I mentioned about Paul they either stiffness or stutters, I'm going to the bottom of this. "Oh, alright..." I walk away and went to that room around corner maybe he's in there.

{George's POV}

Oh shit, I forgot Paul's in there! "Y/N WAIT!" It was too late she open the door and there he was. Half naked just like that other chick is, they were probably about to fuck. I'm sorry Y/n,  so sorry.

{Y/n's POV}

No... This isn't true... This is a dream... It has to be a dream! It can't be real! Paul with another chick, this is one of my worst nightmares...

{Paul's POV}

Shit. I push the girl away  I was about to have sex with and start putting my clothes on well my shirt on. I'm fucked.

{No one POV}

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes, Paul with other girl. And yep Paul is right he's fucked.

"Y/n this is not what it looks like." Paul began. "How could you Paul, after everything I did to you. You pay me like this!" Y/n yell. "What's the matter in ere'?" John ask when he came to the room and his eyes are wide he knew he was about to get yell also and George. "You knew about this, including you George right? Everyone knew about this?!" Y/n yell louder. "We all did except for Ringo. Ringo never knew about this, he's not into this." George said while looking down of guiltiness also John.

"How could you, especially you John, I thought we were best friends!!!" Y/n began to cry. John was about to hug her but she pushed him away. "Don't touch me Lennon, fuck you two and especially you Paul!!" She growl. "Y/n please let me explain, I love you and-" you didn't want to hear his excuse especially when he said "I love you" you slap him hard and then you pull the chick hair hard that she fell and starts punching in her face and kicking her stomach. Which she scream for help.

George and John pulled you away from the girl telling you to calm down and that's were you were mad and punch them both hard in their nose that they bleed. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN YOU FUCKING TRAITORS!!" You look at Paul where he was holding his cheek and look at you with tears in his eyes. "Y/n I'm sorry-" "Save it, me and you are through!" You took the ring out and throw at him with tears in your eyes. "Forget about me and you getting married... Go married this bitch." With those words you start walking away and passed through John and George which their holding their nose to stop the bleeding. They were about to speak but you interrupted them. "You guys hurt me the most, especially at you John we were best friend since high school and you betray me like this. Now I know why Cynthia wanted to leave you because she knew you'll betray her, worse than Paul." And left for good.

John start crying and George felt crying too. They felt guilty but angry at the same time. They look at Paul with tears in their eyes. "Guys I'm so-" "Don't give us that bullshit McCartney. I lost me best friend because of your stupidity. I don't know why I even help ye." John left the only left was George.

"George mate please-" "Just shut up, I can't even look at you anymore. John's right I lost a friend because of your stupid choice!" He yell at him and left crying. Leaving Paul with tears in his eyes, "They're right, they lost her because of my stupidity... I lost her who  I was going to married too...... And all because of my stupidity."

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