What You Don't Like About Him

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John Lennon~ His jealousy. The many reasons why you two argue a lot. You understand where he's coming from, there are guys out there who do want something from you. At first, you did found it attractive. But it soon got annoying, and ugly.

One time, you were talking to an old friend from pre-k and John went berserk. He shouted and claimed that you were flirting with him. You shouted back saying it's not true and he's crazy. Poor friend of yours just walked away, frightened by John's antics.

You wish John can be less of a jealous person and shouldn't get paranoid. John doesn't want you to leave him. So many people he loved and cared, they're all gone. It would drive him to insanity if he ever losses you. Though, he did promise to become less pain in the ass. You reassured him that he's only person you want, and you love him very much.

That he doesn't have to worry of you leaving him, because as much John can drive you nuts. You still love him with all of your heart and in life.

Paul McCartney~ He needs to lower his sassiness. Yeah, it's funny and all, but he goes over it way too much. He thinks you're just judging him. Again, you like his sassiness, but he just needs to tone down a bit.

"Oh my god, I think you're exaggerating, little one." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "God Paul, You really are a pain in the ass." You mumble at the end. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing."

George Harrison~ Him constantly staring off to space. He can't seem to focus, instead he's in his own world. "George, are even listening to me?!" You shouted. Breaking away his trance. "Huh, oh erm... Yes, I think you should buy those heels." You glare at him. "Where did you get from heels to me thinking of publishing a novel?"

He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Y- yeah you should totally do that, love." You groan and walk away. "Oh come on Y/n, I at least answered your question!"

Ringo Starr~ You love everything about him, even his goofiness. Though, there are times you wish he was more serious when he has to. Instead, he makes jokes about it.

"Ringo, it's not funny. I could of die!" "I mean, don't you complain about how life is hard and you wish to die. Something like that?" You groan. "Ringo, it's obviously a joke. I don't want to die, I'm scared of death."

"Well love, you're going to get old. And then you'll die." "RINGO!" "It's true though!

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