George Harrison 2 part 1

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Warning! This chapter might make you cry please have a box of tissues next to you

"I wasn't flirting with him, George." You said to your boyfriend the 15 times, so this is what happened;

So George and you were in a party because The Beatles were celebrating their new album, Then John came to talk to you about him and Cynthia about their "relationship problems" so you being kind help him how to fix their problem, John smile to you and said thank you to you and hugged you, you hugged him back and said no problem.

That's when George saw you guys and got really jealous and mad and went to get you, After that you and John begin talking some randoms things and You were about to tell John something but George grab your wrist and you didn't knew it was him so you thought it was some random man but then you look at him... It was George, your boyfriend.

"Let's go we're leaving" he said "But I don't want to leave yet." George just frown and said to you that really hurt you're feelings "Yeah because you want to fuck with this cunt one" he said while pointing John "Because you're a slutty one."

You were shocked you never heard George said to you mean things only sweet things that's when you got so mad that you literally yell on top of your lungs.

"What did you just called me?!" George just folded his arms and repeat the words "I said you want to fuck with him because you're a slut that I'm dating!" That's when you slap him and boy that leave a mark.

"How could you, I wasn't going to fuck him instead of him being cunt you're the real cunt here!" He just stood there shocked and the other lads were shocked too, they were waiting for what's gonna happened next.

"You bitch!" He slap you so hard that you fell to the ground that's Ringo and Paul grab George and shove him to the wall while John help you to get up.

"What's yer problem, George!?" Paul yell "You should never hit a lady that is rude to do!" "She ain't no lady cause she's a drag bitch one!!" George spat.

You couldn't believe what he was saying to you, you were trying hold tears you hate to cry in front of everyone, "Don't you say that to Y/n, don't you love her!?!" Ringo spat at George.

"I will never love a slut like her, she's doesn't deserve to be loved, I just date her cause she was a good to shag with!" That's when you blew it up you just burst into tears and ran away and went home.

"Y/N, Y/N WAIT!!!" John yell but it's too late you left already, the three lads were angry at George who just said that to her, "How could you say that to her?!" John yelled at him George just took out a cigarette and took some drags one "Because it's true she was fucking yer behind my fucking back, you arsehole!" John was frustrating but said this that made George his mind.

"Yer fucking wrong we both didn't shag behind yer back, we never did that and never will!" George just chuckle and said "Yeah like I'm gonna believe you, you always lie to me, why can't you just bloody tell me the god damn truth, Lennon!" Harrison was getting angry at him.

John then looked at him seriously and said said serious too "Fine, yer want to know the fucking truth? Well the truth is that we never shag behind yer and we'll never do that because she loves you, last she was just helping solves my problems with Cynthia and my relationship, and you want to know why she helps others too? Well because she's the most kindest, sweetest, lovely bird we all met and mostly the "girls" you used to date them just either wanted yer money, fame, and attention but Y/n doesn't want any of those she only wants your love, has she ever lie to you, cheated on you or ask you more money to buy new things? NO! She didn't and like she's so nice and all every guy would fall in love with her would you want Y/n to move on with another man?!"

George sigh and felt guilty already "No" John then smile and pat him behind his back and said "Then go out and get er, or you'll regret it for the rest of you life, Harrison."

George nodded and ran to find you, while he was running back to the house he haded thoughts in his head which made him run even faster;

George pov of his mind- "I hope she forgives me I really love her I didn't mean to hurt her, I can't lose her I just CAN'T!"

(Or will he? Find out the next chapter Dun Dun Dunnnn)

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