Paul McCartney 8

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"Paul, Paul, PAUL!?" John yell. "huh, sorry what did you say?" Paul said while still looking at the girl. "Geesh Paul if you like her so bad, Why don't you talk to her?" John said sounding annoyed. "But what if she doesn't like me back?" Paul said sounding a little sad. John rolled his eyes and smack the back of Paul's head making him yelp. "What the hell was that for?!" "You're Paul McCartney for fuck sake's. Every gal likes you, and if she doesn't like you back. You have plenty of girls begging to be with you. John said sounding pissed already. "You know what? Let's get this over it."

John walks towards and grab you by your arm, even though you were talking to your friends. "Hey what the hell, let go-" "Shut up will ya?" He pull you in front of Paul, even though Paul starts sweating and blushing. "Paul needs to tell you something." "N- no I don't." "Yes you do. Paul likes you ok?!" You gasp and blush a little. "You do?" Paul start stuttering, "Well um no, I- I mean yes..?" You grab his both hands and look at him deep into his eyes. "Do you or not?" You ask, hopefully he will say yes.

"Come on Paul, man up!" Paul sigh and clear his throat. "Y/n, I... don't like you. I love you." You smile big and hug him. "Oh Paul I love you too!" He grins and says "Will you be my girlfriend?" You giggle and kiss his cheek "Of course I will." He smiles pulls you for a kiss and you gladly kiss him back. "Finally!" John said out loudly and walk away, leaving you two laughing like a bunch of little kids.

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