George Harrison 6

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Imagine George asking you to go to the prom that every girl dreams that one day he'll ask one of them.

Everyone one was talking about the prom, including the teachers, which was weird for you. Even your friends were talking about how George is going to ask this girl that he has a crush, and of course everyone girl is thinking is one of them. "Y/n did a boy asked you to go to the prom?" Sandra ask. "No but I really don't care if they don't. I don't need a man to go with, that's why I have friends to go with." You said.

{At lunch}

You were walking with Sandra when you heard a group of girls saying "Did you heard that George is going to ask a girl to go to the prom with him at lunch?" A girl said. "Not only that I also heard that the girl that he's going to ask is the one that he has a crush with!" A girl squeal excited. "I hope it's me!" Another girl said.

You rolled your eyes for how ridiculous they sound but you heard Sandra squeal excited too. "Oh come on Sandra, not you too!" You said in annoy tone. "I'm sorry Y/n but George is the popular boy in school." "Yeah because he's hanging out with the 'Teddy boys' and that is John and Paul." You reminded her. "You also know that they just doing this just to bang another chick!"

"Oh that's were you're wrong." You heard someone saying behind you. You look back and it's the biggest slut in school "Layla." "Oh yeah then who's the virgin one?" You said in a sassy tone. Layla smirk "George." She simply said. "How do you know he's a virgin?" Sandra spoke. "Because I do." Someone else then said "Or maybe because yer slept with us already except for George." Layla turn around and you look behind her and it's John Lennon.

"W-what?" She stutter. "What are you talking about?" John chuckles "Don't act like ye don't know Layla." She stiff "I honestly don't know what your-" "Don't give me that bullshit, yer know what I'm talking about so stop acting or want me to remind ye?" He smirks and Layla looks down and walks away. You tch "I knew she was just lying." "Oh but you're wrong dear." You look at John and John walk up to you with few inches near you. "He is a virgin." John simply said.

"You're lying!" You yell. "I'm not I'm telling ye the truth darling. Paul and I and the rest are not a virgin except for George." You huff and sigh as a defeat and he grin. "Oh yeah the reason why I came here, it's because I need ye for moment." John grin and grab your arm and pull you away from the little crowd and took you to the music room.

"Stay here please." He said. "And why should I?" You crossed your arms. He sigh "Because someone needs to talk to you, trust me please?" He winks and leaves. You sigh and waited for 5 minutes until someone knock the door and soon open it. You couldn't believe who it is, it's George Harrison. "Ello" he said. "H-hi." You stutter. Why the hell am I stuttering for? You said in your head. "I heard John said someone needs to talk to me and I guess it's you right?" You said coldly. He gulp and answer "Y-yes." Why is he stuttering?

"Before you going to say whatever you're going to say answers me this, are you a virgin?" He stiffens, blushes and nods. "Oh...ok then." You guys didn't spoke for a while, until George walks up to you and speaks "Y/n I have to be honest with you. I can't bare it anymore. I-I like you." He confess. You blush a little "You're lying to me." He gasp a little "I'm telling the truth, ever since I met you, I fell for you. You're very different from the other girls, you're strong, brave and very beautiful. And I like that about you, because you don't act fake like those girls and you're very indepented woman. So please would you like to go to the prom with me and also be me girlfriend?" You were shocked I mean, no one has ever had a crush on you, last you never had a boyfriend but you also like him too.

You never wanted to admit it because you're afraid that he'll just want have sex with you and leave you, but you could tell that he really likes you and you really like him too. So you accept it. "Yes George. I will go to the prom with you and be your girlfriend." You blush and he blush too. He lean in and give you kiss, this was your first kiss and you melted on the kiss and you kiss him back.

Both of you pull away slowly and look at each other eyes. "Y/n you just made my day." He grins and you giggle and he holds your hand and walk out to the music room, where the boys saw you two holding hands and high five each other.

{This was the longest chapter I wrote, almost to 910 words! But anyway hope you like it peeps!}

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