How Long Have You Two Dated (Part One)

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John Lennon~ Since 1959, you met John in the Cavern Club. A cousin of yours begged for you to come and checked it out, and you agreed. That evening, you remembered dancing, and laughing with your cousin. After the show, the boys came down, and began to chat with the people. That's when you and John locked eyes.

"Hi." He says with a grin. You blush "Hi." "So, what do you think. How did we do?" Before you could answer it. Your cousin chimed in. "It was awesome!" John smile and wink at her. "Oí, Paul. Bring me a drink, and for the ladies too." Paul slightly grin and went to get it. You and your cousin giggle, and Paul returned with the drinks.

While Paul was talking to your cousin, you were with John. You two began to talked about your likes, and dislikes. Vice versa. You two did had something in common. You two enjoy, and love Rock N' Roll. That's for sure. Then, came about books. Occasionally, you like to read at times, and did wish to write a book someday. "Well if ye do write a book, I'll be the first one to read it, right?" You chuckle and nodded. "Of course, you get the first preview."

"With your autograph too?" You laugh and rolled your eyes. "Yes, I'll even leave a kiss on it." John smirk. "It'll be better on me lips, though." You blush and fidget with your hands. John notices it and grabs your both hands. "For a cheeky bird like yourself, ye sure are very shy." He teased. You look away, giggling. A blush forming again. "Oh shush, Lennon." He laughed. "I'm just messing with ye."

"Though, a kiss will be nice." Still not looking at him, he moved his face close to yours. "Hmm?" You look at him and quickly give him a peck on his cheek. "There, happy?" You grinned. John chuckle, taken by surprised. "It can be better." You slightly cocked your head. "Let me show you." He wrapped one of his arm around your waist and the other one hold your cheek, and pulled you for a kissed on the lips. You blush madly, but you kissed back.

The year is 1965, and the two of you are still going strong. You indeed publish your first book, yes John read it first before you publish it to the public. Yes, you left a kiss on the book. Most definitely John pulled you again for a kiss, and maybe a little more than a kiss.

Paul McCartney~ You two have dated since 1964. You met Paul during the film of "A Hard Day's Night." You were a hairstylist. When Paul saw you for the first time, he instantly found you attractive. You also found him attractive, but you thought he wouldn't like you back. Oh how mistakenly you are.

After shooting the movie, Paul invited you for breakfast, and you agreed. Deep inside, you were freaking out. Paul took you to a small coffee shop and that's when you two talked each other's life. After weeks of talking and just hanging out, Paul had the courage to asked you to be his girl, and you said "YES!" 

Three months later, you moved in Paul's place. Paul was your first time as well. All I can say he is very good on what he's doing and is a cuddler too. The year is 1969, the Beatles are going through fights, and arguments. You're still with him, comforting him. For he feels the once Fab Fours who would get along and have fun, enjoying life with each other's like brothers... are going to leave. Oh Macca.

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