Paul McCartney 13 {Requested}

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{This request is from @sherlock_Potter13}

"Y/n is going to come any minute now, I know she's new to you Martha my dear, but she's the sweetest most angelic person you can ever meet!" Paul said dreamily. You two have been dating for three months, you were actually friends since high school. Not only that, but you help him through his divorce with Jane. Now here you are, going to meet his precious dog, Martha.

Knock knock! "She's here, now behave ok?" Paul said to Martha. Martha bark in response and Paul went to get the door, revealing you with a nice blouse and shorts. Paul whistle at you and you just laugh "That's some way to greet someone." You joked. Paul pull you for a kiss and told you to come in, the first thing you saw was the dog who you couldn't read her expression. "Is this Martha you've been talking about?" You ask Paul, as you were putting your purse on the table. "Y/n this is Martha, and Martha this is Y/n." You giggle a bit by his cuteness.

"Hello Martha, finally to meet the famous dog of Paul, you're so cute." You squeal a bit. The dog walks towards you and smells you and Paul stood there, nervously if his dog would like you or not. Martha bark and lick your cheek, making you laugh a bit. Paul sigh in relief and pet her, "She likes you love." "I know, I see darling. And I like you too." You pet her on her head, making her wag her tail.

Paul was glad that you two got along, but also a bit envy. Why? Because you have spend with Martha all day and not paying attention to Paul, who was trying to get your attention. "Hey Y/n, would you like to hear my new song?" As he sits on a chair with a guitar on his hands. "Later Paul, Martha and I are playing catch. Isn't it right dear?" Martha bark happily and you throw the ball, making Martha chase after it. Paul groans a bit, but decide to play a bit hoping that you'll listen to him.

Time passes and Paul still haven't gotten your attention and he was starting to get jealous, very much. You have to go home and you said goodbye to Paul "I'll see you tomorrow love ok?" He nods and you kiss him goodbye. "And I'll see you tomorrow sweet Martha!" You kiss the dog goodbye too and she barks happily. Paul closes the door softly and as soon he shuts it completely, he looks at Martha with a jealous look.

"Woof, woof!" "Now I know you love Y/n very much and I appreciated, but I love her too!" Martha just looks at him confused "That's my girlfriend and I- I don't like to share what's mine, she means the world to me!" Paul began to shout. "Woof, woof!" The dog talk back. "She means the world to you?! How? You just met her Martha, you can't just love someone that fast!" Paul look at her shocked. "Woooof!" Martha bark. "No, she's mine. She's my girlfriend. I actually know her since high school. I'm sorry, but I can't let her love you more than me. And I'm not going to allow it!"

"Paul?" "WHAT?!" Paul looks at you and blushes hard, not knowing you were in the door. "Y- Y/n why are you here again?" He stutter. "I forgot my purse." You chuckle a bit. "Are you seriously jealous of your dog?" He looks down embarrassed, but nods. You laugh and kiss him on the cheek "Paul just cause I was hanging out with her more, doesn't mean she's going to take me away from you. This is a dog we're talking about." You laugh harder than before and the dog barks, like she agrees with you. Paul just groans and pulls you close to him "You see this Martha? Mine... M. I. N. E." Martha rolls her eyes and snuggles with the two of you. "Aww we love you too Martha dear." You said and kiss her forehead. "And I love my Paulie too." You said. Paul smiles and kisses your cheek "I love you too my love."

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