Paul McCartney 9 (Requested)

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This request is from @AlbalizMarie

You and Paul were invited to a party at George's house. They were celebrating the successful album "Rubber Soul." Also that means you get to see your ex, John. You and John used to be a couple back in his teddy boy days, also that's how you met your now boyfriend Paul.

You and John broke up because you two argue a lot and because you two constantly get jealous. So you two broke it off, but you two are at least good friends. Paul and John are really close friends, they're like brothers but sometimes Paul gets jealous when you two talk. He knows you two are still friends, but he's afraid Johnny will make a move. Paul knows him too well, especially how he is with girls.

As you two arrived, John greets you two. He hugs you and kisses your cheek and Paul stares at him hard. "M' glad you two made it, I thought you two weren't coming." He said. "Sorry we came late, just that Y/n here was taking an hour to get ready." Paul said, while laughing. "Oh Paul, make up isn't easy. Besides I was taking my time to choice a dress. Hell this is my first time wearing a dress." You explained. "That is true, I must say you look lovely this evening." John said with a flirty tone.

You blush and Paul face got red. "Hey you're hot or something?" You ask to Paul. "Yeah it is hot in here." He takes out his sweater and as soon he turns around you and John weren't there anymore. Instead he sees you two in the couch, laughing. He starts forming his hands into fists. He knows you won't do anything behind his back with John, but he's afraid John will make a move on you.

{Three hours later}

"Thank you guys for coming today, I'll like to thank to everyone who support us in the beginning." George said loud and clear so everyone can hear. Everyone cheers and drinks their wine. "Also I'll like to congrats Y/n for wearing a dress for the first time ." John said loud. Everyone laughs but cheers. "She should wear dresses for now on, because I can look at her all day." He smirks at you and you rolled you eyes playfully. Paul clench his wine hard, that he could break it any moment.

As soon everyone is leaving, you said goodbye to everyone, including Georgie. "Thank you for inviting us." You said politely. "Thank you for coming and well Johnny is right. You should often wear dresses. You look lovely in it." You blush and he chuckles and gives you a hug. "Well then see you tomorrow George." You look at Paul who is waiting in front of the house and as soon you were exiting the house, John grabs your right arm. "No hugs for goodnight?" He grins cheekily. You giggle and hug him and he kisses you almost in the lips."Well I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous." He winks at you and then waves at Paul "Night Macca!" Paul didn't say anything instead he waves back at John and pulls you aways from him, pissed.

{Back at home}

"Phew, these heels were killing me." As you take out your heels. Paul doesn't say anything, instead he takes out his tie and his belt. "The party was great wasn't it?" "Paul?" No answered. "Paul I'm talking to you." You tell him. "Oh yeah that party was so great, that you had a lovely time with John." He said sounding pissed. "What are you talking about?" Paul looks at you "Are you seriously asking what I'm talking about? You and John were flirting all night." You rolled your eyes and start taking out your earrings. "No we did not, he was just being nice." "Nice?! When we came to the party, John compliment of how you look with the dress, second when George toast about the album, John toast of how you should start wearing dresses often because he can look at you all day, last he almost kiss you in the lips."

"You said it yourself, almost." You said annoyingly. "I didn't like it at all, I was jealous the whole time." "You didn't have to be jealous Paul, you know I wouldn't do anything behind your back with John." "Of course I have to be jealous, that son of a bitch was trying to take you away from me. I can't bare seeing you with him or with others!" "He's not going to take me away, because I love you. It's like you don't have faith in me!" You yell back. Paul see tears forming in your eyes and starts feeling guilty. He tries to hug you but you push him away, angrily.

"Love I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. It's just that I'm scare of losing you. You mean the whole world to me, I love you so much that I can't see you with others that will drive me mad." Paul said softly, while moving closer to you and now he's drying you tears. "I know Paul, but just have faith me Paul. Please that's all I'm asking." Of course I will love, because I love you." "I love you too." The two of you kiss for a while until you two broke the kiss for air.

"Let me make it up for you." He said as he starts unzipping your dress. "I don't know Paul-" "Please love, it's the least I can do for making you angry." You thought for a minute and agreed. He starts leaving kisses in your neck while he's taking off your dress leaving you with your panties. You start taking off his shirt and his pants leaving him with his boxers. You sit in his lap and pull him for a rough kiss, while making out he rubs your womanhood and you moan during the kiss. Being a tease, you rub his bulge and he groans.

He flips you over now on top of you in bed, he runs his hands all over your body and squeeze your breasts hard, making you moan. He takes out your panties with his teeth and sucks and licks your wet folds. "Mm Paul." You moan softly, while running your hand in his hair. You stop him before you cum, and takes out his boxers and start sucking his peanuts. He groans and run his hand in your back and your hair. "Fuck Y/n." He moans as you deep throat him. He stops you too from almost cumming.

He flips you again and position himself and goes in you. You groan in pain as he goes slowly. As the pain turns into pleasure you nod at Paul, giving him a sign to go faster. He kisses your cheek and thrust fast. "Oh Paul, yes!" You moan loudly. "Fuck, you're so tight love!" He groans. He leaves you a hickey and you leave him a hickey too.

"Fuck Paul, I'm gonna cum!" "Shit me too." With one last hard thrust, you cum all over his peanuts and he pulled out and cums on your stomach. He pulls the covers and covers you and himself and pulls you for a hug. You two stay quiet for a while, until he spoke. "I'm sorry I made you cry darling." He said. "It's ok Paul, I know you didn't mean too." You kiss his cheek and he kiss your forehead. "I love you Y/n." You smile and said "I love you too Paul." And the two of you fell asleep.

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