Paul McCartney 7

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"Someone is looking at you Y/n." Your best friend Mary whisper loud to you. You look at your right and see Paul looking at you up and down and you rolled your eyes. "Why didn't you wave, it's Paul McCartney for heaven sakes!" You sigh and shook your head, "Haven't you heard Paul is a womanizer? He's just want to fuck another random chick, I'm not going to fall for his 'charming' tricks." You said annoyed. Mary nodded understanding everything you said, well almost.

"But what if he's trying to get your attention so he could talk to you?" "Are you kidding?! Mary he clearly wants me to be his sex toy!" She jumps a little bit by your yelling. "I mean, you may be wrong?" You growl and she starts shaking of fear, you notice and sigh. "Look I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just sometimes you're very stupid. Like come on he's a teddy boy, he's just gonna use me like other girls and I don't want that. I want someone to fall for my personality not my body ok?" She shakes her head and sips some of her coffee and I sip my tea.

"Ello gals." You sigh annoy knowing who is it, Paul. "Hello Paul." Mary said sweetly, "Hello." You said more harshly. "What's the matter love,  someone pissed you off or something?" He asked concerned. "Yeah you're the one that pissed me off" You said to yourself. I turn to face him and gave him a fake smile "No I'm just tired that's all." He hums and you look away.

"Well what are you doing here?" Mary asked. "Oh well, I was just wondering around the street and saw you two in the diner and decided to hang out with you guys, well can I?" Mary smile sweetly and nodded. "Of course you can, heck anytime you want." Paul grins and kiss her cheek and she giggles. "Thanks sweetheart." She blush madly by the nickname and you just simply rolled your eyes.

"So where are you lovely girls heading?" "Oh well we're going-" I sat up and interrupted her. "I can't hang out with you because I have homework to do, plus it's kinda getting late." "But it's only 4 in the afternoon love." Paul said. "Yeah well I have plenty of homework to do, so bye." I pay the tea I order and left quickly. "I'm not going to hang out that womanizer, I mean who the hell he think he is?!" I yell. "Y/n wait up!" "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I turn around and gave him glare. He stops and looks at me confused, "Why that glare love?" Paul ask innocently. "First of all, don't call me love, second of all stop acting innocent, also leave me the hell alone!" He jumps a little bit by you yell and he just looks at you shock.

"Whoa, calm down I just want to hang out and well what do you mean 'acting innocent'?" "Paul you clearly just doing this, just so you could go under my pants." "That's not true, I really want to know you new because you're very different but in a good way." You can't believe it, is he telling the true or is this one of his tricks? "How do I know you're not lying?" I said in a sassy tone and he chuckles. "I like your sassiness, and well how about tomorrow I'll take you in a diner, but..." You tilted your head looking at him. "But what?" You question. "Well, c-could it be a d-date?" He stutters. For the first time you giggle by his stutters big nodded. "Well ok then it's a date." He smiles and kiss your cheek and you blush madly. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then love." "Alright bye Paul." And he left leaving you, well excited but also curious.

"For first time Mary was right." You chuckle to yourself and left.

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