John Lennon 13

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{Reader's POV}

John and I broke up due to us not seeing each other a lot. Not only that, we would constantly argued over the smallest things. When the argument got worse, we decided to end the relationship. Of course we agreed. Two weeks after our breakup, I constantly started feeling nauseous and throwing up. I decided to go the clinic and to checked if I was sick and the doctor told me that I am pregnant. I was shock and now worry. "I have to tell this to John, he's the father of this child." I thanked the doctor and he gave me papers about my pregnancy that says positive.

I head to my house and I sat in the couch and sigh. "I earn good money, I have a house, gas, electricity. I have everything." I sigh again and I dialed John's number, we still keep in touch, just because we're still getting a divorce. Yes we've married, but now we're getting a divorce. Right now he's seeing this woman called Yoko Ono.

"Ello?" John said from the phone. "Hey John it's me, Y/n." "Oh, hey Y/n. How you been?" "I've been fine, um John I need to talk to you. It's very important and I suggest that you meet me in my house around... 8:30 pm." I said as I look at the clock that shows that it's 7:45 pm. "Oh well umm... ok Is it really that important?" "Yes. Very important." I said in a serious tone. I hear John mumble a curse word and sigh. "Alright, I'll meet you then. See ya." I clean bit the house, and took a shower so the hour can passed by quick, just to get over it.

As I brush my hair, I hear a knocking at the door. I put the hairbrush down and head to the door to open it, while I was passing by living room, I see the clock and it's 8:05 pm. "It's too early." I open the door and it reveals a annoyed John. Of course. "I told you at 8:30." He walks in my house and I shut the door. "Yeah, well I got things to do Y/n. Not everything is about you." He said as he sat at the couch, grumpy. I rolled my eyes and I went to the kitchen to look for the paper about my pregnancy. "Look Y/n, as much annoyed you are, I want to get over this. What is it that it's so important?" He said sarcastically.

"Give me a minute." I said sternly. He groans loud. "I don't have all day, I got things to do here Y/n!" "Can you give me a fucking minute here Lennon!?" "Look, if you came to yell at me, you're wasting my bloody time then!" He yells as he walks to kitchen where I am. "Found it." I sigh as a relief. "Found wot?" He ask. "This." I show him the paper and he took it from me. "What's this?" "Read." He groans again and begins reading it. His eyes open wide and his mouth as well, he was in shock. "You- you're pregnant?!"

I crossed my arms "Well if it says there, obviously. I found out today. Just wanted to let you know you're the father and well I'm expecting a child so that's it, you can leave now." I took away the paper from him and put it in the drawers. He just stood there, frozen. Not knowing what to say or do. "Well? You can leave now, you said you got soooo much things to do. Now get out." He shakes his head "Hold on, you want me to leave as soon you told me you're pregnant?" I rolled my eyes again and respond "Well yeah, what did you expect?"

"Y/n, this is our child. You're pregnant with my fucking child, I expected you to tell me to come back and to work this out so I can take care you and the baby!" I laugh and John just looks at me confused. "Just cause you're the father, that doesn't mean I need you. Now get out of my house." I start pushing him out to my house, but stops me midway. "You do need me, I earn a lot of money than you do-" "John, I'm an anthropologist. I earn quite enough." "But this is our child." "And it is, I just don't want to raise it with you. Now that I think of it, aren't you seeing this Yoko Ono?"

"Yes I am, but-" "But nothing, now goodbye." As I close the door, but then opens it quick. "What the hell?!" He grabs my shoulders and yells "I'LL LEAVE HER AND I'LL WORK THIS MARRIAGE WITH YOU Y/N, I WANT TO RAISE OUR BABY WITH YOU, DON'T YOU FUCKING SEE?!" I remove his grip from me "Our marriage is broken, you can't fix it, I can't fix it. Not even this unborn child could." He moves closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist "Yes it would, I still love you Y/n. I'm only seeing Yoko because I'm trying to move on, but now that you told me you're pregnant and I'm the father, I want to be with you. Don't even do it for us, but do it for the baby please?"

I push him away softly and shake my head, disapproving him. "I don't want the baby to see us argue all the time, it's not right." He looks down, knowing that I'm right. "You'll still have custody of the baby, you can also come when I'll give birth too. But I still want the divorce. I love you, but our relationship is broken." He sighs sadly but nods "At least I can still be with you when you give birth and taking care of it too." I smile sadly and hug him one last time. "Take care Johnny." He hugs me back tightly and said "Take care too." We broke the hug and he left my house and I shut the door softly and sigh.

"Oh baby, mommy will take of you very well, you'll get to see your daddy too. I just hope I made the right decision." I said while rubbing my belly.

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