Ringo Starr 8

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"Do you really have to go to the tour love? I don't want you to leave me all alone." You said sadly. "Aw come here." He cooed. You went to his arms and he start kissing your forehead. "It'll only be for a month, I promise ok." You nodded and he kiss your cheek.

"Ringo, I love you." "I love you too." You kiss him and he suddenly push you away softly. "I have a present for you before I leave, wait here love." He went to the kitchen and he has a box, and cute one though. All tie up with a bow. "What's in there?" You question. He smirk and said "Well, open it and find out yourself."

You look at him suspiciously and gasp when you open the box. "It's a puppy! You got me a puppy?!" The little puppy bark and lick your face while wagging his little tail. "So you wouldn't be alone darling, plus I know you wanted this dog for a while now."

(This is the puppy he got you)

You hug him and planted a huge kiss on the cheek

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You hug him and planted a huge kiss on the cheek. "Aww thank you so much baby. What's the gender?" "Male, What are you going to name him?" You thought for a while and smile while holding him up high. "Lucky." You said. "Lucky?" Ringo question you.

You look at him and smile widely "Because I'm lucky to have you Ringo." He blush and kisses your forehead, shoulders and your lips. "I'm lucky to have you too my love." You guys hug for a while until the little puppy Lucky bark. You giggle "Aw you too lucky, I'm lucky that I have you now." You kiss his nose and he lick your nose making you laugh.

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