John Lennon 5

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"I can't believe you cheated on me John, why would you even do it?" You said through sobs. It's been 2 weeks when the press said that John Lennon is cheated on you with another women. You didn't believe them at first I mean they always make out rumors, but one day when you came home late because of your work. You went upstairs to say "I'm back" to John, but instead you find your boyfriend having sex with another women.

You yelled his name and he try to cover his naked body and the women too. You kicked her out and she left barely with clothes and you looked at John angry. He try to say "baby it's not what it looks like" but he can't lie about because you caught while having it. So there wasn't an excuse of him.

"I was lonely I mean we barely spend time each other because of your job!" He started yelling. "That gives you no excuse to do this to me and I don't argue when you have a job and that it to tour or make new songs. I don't have any trouble of that and at least I don't go fuck someone else!!" You yell back. John didn't say anything, he knows you're right. He just look down feeling guilty. You've been a good girlfriend, taking care of him when he's sick, or defending him by the press stupid rumors about him being antichrist.

He fell on his knees, crying on the floor. You started packing your things and leaving him for good! As soon you were done, John look up and sniffs. "Y/n please don't leave me, I- I need you." You shook your head and say "No John you don't need me anymore. Go ask that women you were fucking behind my back, she'll give you lots of love than me. He shook his head and saying "No, no, no." You were walking out the door and said your final words to him. "It's over between us. Now you could fuck other girls, don't even look for me or try to beg to be with you again because that's not gonna happen anymore. You broke my heart very much, I never cheated on you never. I was being loyal to you, cooking for you and giving you all of my love to you. I thought you loved me but I was wrong it doesn't looked like you do. So have a lovely life without me John Lennon."

You close the door and left, driving your own car and moved to your parents house. John just cry, he lost you forever, you don't love him anymore. "I'm so sorry Y/n, please come back. I need you, I need her. Please come back..." He lay down on the floor and saw his wallet and he took it and open it and saw a picture of you, smiling. He hold the picture close to him "Please."

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