How Many Kids You Have

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John Lennon~ Even though John had a son, Julian, from his previous marriage with Cynthia. He wanted to have another one. On 1968, you gave birth to a healthy girl. You named her Julia, after John's late mother. You remembered when he shed a tear and said "That's beautiful. A beautiful name for my beautiful little girl. Thank you."

Paul McCartney~ Three kids. Two boys and one girl. Edward, Jack, and Samantha. Edward was born on 1971, Jack 1973, and Samantha 1976.

Every night, after the kids were put to sleep. He would pepper kiss you all over your face and whisper "Thank you for giving me the perfect family, Y/n. I love my children as I love you too."

George Harrison~ You and George thought hard on how many kids you both truly want. In the year of 1972, you gave birth to a little girl. Her name was Rubi. After that, George would always take care of you and Rubi, even from getting a snack.

"George, it's just downstairs. It's not like I'm walking to the supermarket to get it." "So? I don't have problem getting it for you. Darling, you just gave birth to my little girl. You have to rest." You giggle. "Honey, I gave birthed three months ago, I'm fine."

He sighs and lightly pushes you back to bed. "Sit your pretty ass down, and I'll be right back." Leaving the room to get your snack. You couldn't help but laugh. You look over your shoulder, where you see your daughter. Sleeping in her cradle, peacefully. "Oh, you're father is something else."

Ringo Starr~ You gave birth to one son, the year of 1969. You named him Richard as your husband, Ringo. He was so happy.  "Really? Oh, thank you my love!" He kiss you all over your face, making you giggle." "Hush, the baby is sleeping. I literally just gave birthed and I would like to sleep." You smile tiredly.

"Oh, right, right. Go to sleep then, I'll take of our son." You hand him the baby and slowly closed your eyes. The last thing you hear was "Hey little one. Your mum named you after me, Richard. Isn't that amazing? Now, let's be quiet and let mommy sleep, kiddo."

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