George Harrison 15 (Requested)

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(This request is from @Luvvintge, I hope you enjoy it!)

"Are you sure you don't need help?" George asked for the fifth time. You rolled your eyes playfully, and reply "Georgie, honey, I'm fine. I'm just bottle feeding Celesta." About three months ago, you gave birthed to a healthy baby girl, Celesta. Ever since then, George has been nothing but a sweetheart. Cleaning the house, cooking, and doing groceries. "But, if you want to feed her, then here." You hand the baby to George and he was feeding her now.

You were about to prepare dinner, until George call your name. "Y/n, where do you think you're going?" You sigh and response. "I'm going to make dinner, I know you're hungry." George shook his head and said "No, you lay in bed with our daughter. Look, she's done eating." He remove the bottle from her and is peacefully sleeping. You giggle and lay in bed, and George hands you the baby.

"Don't move, I'll call you when dinner is ready. Ok, baby?" You smile and said "Alright, alright. I love you." George smiles and bends downs a bit since he's standing and you're laying. He gives you a quick peck and says "I love you too. Be back in a bit, love." Thus, leaving you and Celesta alone. "Oh darling, your dad is truly a sweetheart." You softly whispered. "How the hell did I found myself a good man who I have a beautiful daughter with? "

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