Describing Your Relationship

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John Lennon~ You and John have a decent relationship. There are times where you two are happy and loving, and there are other times where you two would argue and say hateful stuff to each other.

Of course you don't mean it, but sometimes angers make you say stupid stuff. Overall, when both of you are calm you talk about each other's problems and it'll result into make up sex. You guys may not be perfect, but you both are trying to be better. Honestly, that's all that matters. Improving your relationship to your significant one.

Paul McCartney~ You can describe your relationship with Paul, the "It" couple. You two go on dates occasionally, him being a gentleman at all time. Bake together, have cute matching pijamas, and do just about everything.

People envy your relationship, you and Paul are just a happy couple and enjoying life with each other's company.

George Harrison~ The shy couple. You two can be very shy when someone asks how's your relationship with him and vice versa. Even though you two can be shy at times, but you two are very happy with each other.

Sure there could be disagreements, but that's how relationship can be. You two are very connected with each other as well. After your trip in India with George, you two became connected into one, and now are living with each other to the fullest.

Ringo Starr~ The private couple. It's not that you're embarrassed to be around him or him being embarrassed around you. You two just like to keep it on the low, you two would avoid any questions when it comes to your relationship.

Sometimes if you both feel like it, you'd open up a bit, but when they asked about marriage and having kids you two would just say "Next question." Plus, it's between you and him. Not you, him, and the world. In your opinion, it's just much more easier when things are keep hidden.

What you can tell is that you're very happy with Ringo and him to you, and want that happiness to last forever behind closed doors.

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