Paul McCartney 4

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It's been 4 months that you and Paul broke up because Paul cheated on you, again! 3 time you give him, three fucking chances and he just does it again like if he doesn't care, but when you saw him there with another chick in bed, you said you're done and never spoke to him again. You left him for good.

You're now going to the store to go get some grocery store list like milk, bread etc. When you're about to get pasta for dinner, you grab the last one and the other person grab it too. You were about to say "you could have it" until you saw the person close enough and it was Paul.

You both made a eye content until Paul spoke up "Here you could have the pasta Y/n." He give it to you and you said "Thank you Paul." You guys were silence and it was pretty awkward since you two are looking down and well y'know how it is.

"So Y/n?" Paul broke the awkwardness and you look up and say "Yes?" He was scratching his head like he was thinking what to say. "Y/n, about the past I wanted to say-" "Forget it Paul, it's fine really. It's just the past, we all make mistakes, I mean I made mistakes too. Don't worry about it's fine, really." You started walking away until Paul grab your shoulder "Y/n please I know you're still mad about me and you have the right to be mad at me." You sigh and remove his hand away from your shoulder and look at him straight up "Paul look I said it's fine. Don't worry about it."

Paul sighs and says "No it's not fine and you know that Y/n. Look when you left me I thought you were coming back for me, but it's been months I haven't seen you and well you left me for good. You're probably still mad at me and you have the right because I was being a jerk to you and unloyal to you. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything, for hurting your feelings and your heart." He sounded so sad and he meant it, you sigh and said "I forgive you Paul, look just forget about it. It was the past, ok?" He nodded and hug you tight.

"So does it mean we could, y'know be back together again?" He said. "I don't know Paul..." You began to say but he hold your both and hands and look at you straight into your eyes and you did the same. "Please I changed, I'll prove it to you that I still love you, one more chance please Y/n?" You thought for a moment sigh and smile and kiss him the cheek "Ok Paul, but if you messed this chance, I didn't slap you last time but instead of slapping you I'll beat the living out of you understood?" You said in a serious tone. Paul chuckle nervously but laugh "Alright darling." And put his arm around your waist and went to the cashier to buy your things and left to Paul's house.

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