Paul McCartney 15

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"Yes, right there. Ah!" You moan as you dig your nails on his back. "Like that, love?" He groans as he hits your sweet spot making you gasp. "Yes, right there. Oh god, don't stop!" You scream as his thrust was going in sonic speed and hitting you hard. Paul can feel your walls squeezing him, you're so close to cum.

"P- Paulie." "I know, love. I'm almost there too." Paul slightly moans as he can feel himself coming. You remove your hands on his back and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing his face down for a kiss. Paul smiles through the kiss, but he breaks it when he feels your walls tighten on his member again.

"Darling, I'm going to come" He says as he kisses your breasts "I'm coming too, now!" You let out the most pornographic moan and came on his shaft while your body shook from your intense orgasm. Paul groans as he spills his seed inside you, and grins with satisfaction. He plops his body on top of yours, but hold himself a bit to make sure he's not putting all of his weight to you.

You pepper kiss him all over his face making him chuckle "That was amazing, Paul." You said as you play with his hair. Paul sigh in satisfaction and kisses your bare shoulders. "You're amazing, darling." You giggle and kiss his nose causing him to smile.
What wonderful day to end with your lover's side and making love for the day.

{Forgive me, but I couldn't help but leave the is picture for y'all.🙂}

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