George Harrison 4 Last Part

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"Please let me in,Y/n!" Your ex George yelled through the door. As soon you were about to enter your apartment George grab your hand and try to talk to you but you refuse and that he did the same thing he slap you again, but you weren't going to stay like that. You slap him back and kick his stomach and went inside, shutting the door quickly.

"You're crazy if I'm going to let you in, you fucking hit me AGAIN!" You yelled back through sobs. You just can't trust him anymore unless he gives you the reason why. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to slap you again, I'm just frustrated and-" "That doesn't give you the right to hit me, you fucking asshole!" You interrupted him.

"You're right Y/n I'm sorry..." He started bursting into tears "I'm sorry for hitting you, I have no right to do that just because I got jealous. I'm sorry I haven't show my love to you, I'm sorry I said all those words to you back there especially the one I said 'You were just a good shag' or 'You don't deserve love' you deserve love because you're the most beautiful, kind lovely bird I ever met, and I don't think you're just a good shag I think- no you're good making me feel this thing that's called 'Love.' Want to know why? Because you make me happy and smile all the time by seeing your e/c eyes, your h/c hair, and your smile, god I just love your smile but mostly I miss your love I just can't describe it...its just to beautiful to feel your love to me and I guess  you miss my love towards you too, do you?"

You could feel your heart beating fast it's true you still love him no matter what he did to you, and he does too. You guys really love each other, you started to cry of happiness this time you then opened the door and hug him like the world depends on you, he hugged you back very tightly gosh how much he misses your hugs and you too.

"Yes George." You started "I miss your love too I really do." George then kiss you passionately and you kiss him back passionately too. Few seconds later your guys broke out the kiss and smile each other "Oh, how much I miss your kisses Y/n, I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't mean to hurt you I just got jealous because I saw you and John hugging I thought you were cheating on me." He said you then stated "George the reason why I hugged him is because he hugged me first and if I didn't hugged him back it would look rude and you know I don't like to be rude with people, and you know why I talk to him a lot it's because he asked me for help, so I could help him with his relationship with Cynthia. And I would never cheat on you because two reason... First because I only see him as my big brother, last because I love you Georgie and I will always will you make me happy all the time. You kiss his cheek and he blush lightly but chuckle "I know that you were helping him because he told back there, and I love you too Y/n. He hug you and whisper to you "And I'm glad that I make you happy love, because it makes me happy too." You smile and hug him back.

(I'm so sorry I haven't update for like months I've just been really busy with school🙄 but I'll try to update more peeps. Hope you enjoy this one shot though😊)

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