When He Propose

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John Lennon~ He took you to the beach, celebrating your seven years relationship with him. Where he asked you the important question. "Y/n. Ye been with me for the longest, and I don't know how the hell ye still with me. I know I suck at expressing my feelings towards ye. And I know I can be the biggest dickhead, but I'm trying to change for ye. Darling, I'm so grateful that I find me-self and great woman like ye-self. So damn grateful, and I love ye so damn much. Y/n, darling, would you be my wife?"

Paul McCartney~ Paul took you to an expensive restaurant, before you took a sip of your wine. You see something shiny and you took it off from the glass. You gasp and can feel tears threatened to fall. Paul smiles and holds your free hand. "Ever since I lay eyes on you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, you still are. Your personality attracts me the most. So kind, pure, cheerful, and you're so open-minded, Y/n. I never thought I would find myself a girlfriend, but most important as my future wife. Baby, I love you. Would you marry me?"

George Harrison~ George took you to Paris to have a time off from the music industry, and to spend time with you. You two have been together for four years and that's where George decided to pop the question. George sneakily put the ring on your finger, and when you noticed you slightly gasp. "G- George,  what is this?" He smiles and pulls you close towards him. "I love you so much, Y/n. So much, I would die for you. You are the most important person in my life, and I want to spend my life with you to the very end. Sunshine, would you be my wife?"

Ringo Starr~ "You know, ever since I bumped into you, I've been crazy about you. I still am. Who wouldn't? I mean, you're a attractive, out-going, smart woman. I thanked destiny for us bumping into each other because I wouldn't have find my wife." You giggle and blush. "Oh Ringo, we're not even married!" He grins and pulls out a box. Revealing a beautiful diamond ring. You gasp and look at Ringo. "Not yet, Y/n, would you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"

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