Who's He Jealous Of

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John Lennon~ Michael Nesmith from the Monkees. You two met during the music video of 'A Day in the Life.' you were just wondering around when you accidentally bumped into him. "I am sorry, ma'am." You giggle and fix your shirt "Please, call me Y/n. I feel old when someone says that to me." He laughs "The name is Michael, but you can call me Mike for short." You two shook hands and talk for a while afterwards.

John watches you two, especially to Mike. John was about to walk away when he sees Mike moving closer to you and whisper something to your ear, making you giggle like a school girl. "Hell no!" He said to himself. John stomps towards you guys and instantly pulled you close to him. "Oh hi, honey. I was looking for you." You said innocently. "Mike was kind enough to tell me you were in the dressing room earlier before. Thank you, Mike." You smile at him sweetly. Mike tip his wool hat "Any time, sweetheart. See you later, Lennon." He said and walks away towards his bandmates.

"He's such a nice guy." You said. John wrapped his arm around your shoulder "Yeah, too nice." He mumbles as he took you back to his dressing room.

Paul McCartney~ John Paul Jones, bassist of Led Zeppelin. You and Paul went to a party, meaning you get to see famous musicians, actors, actresses, and more. You were wearing your f/c dress that went from your knees, and exposing a big of your cleavage. Nevertheless, it was just a innocent dress that happens to show your curves and make your cleavage look rather nice. "I'll go get some drinks for us, love." Paul says as he kissed your cheek. "Ok, I'll be right here." Paul smiles and nods and walks to the mini bar on the other side.  You were about to turn around when someone bumped into you. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." A man said. "It's ok, I'm fine." You gasp when you look up who the guy was. "Oh my god, John Paul Jones!" You squeal.

Jonesy smiles "The one and only, you must be Y/n right?" Your eyes widen. "H- how did you know?" Jonesy rubs the back of his neck and chuckles awkwardly. "I'm um... I have your latest photoshoot you did a while ago." You blush but smile. You see, you were no longer just the girlfriend of Paul's. You were the girlfriend of Paul's who's now a instant famous model. "Thank you, I guess it's safe to say you're a fan of mine." "Yeah, you look pretty in the magazine. Looking at you now in person you're very beautiful, love." You blush and thanked him. "If I was Paul, I wouldn't let my gorgeous girlfriend be alone by herself. Anyone would want to be with an attractive girl like yourself, miss Y/n." He flirted.

Again, you blush and thanked him again. "I'll be fine on my own." You joked. Jonesy chuckles "Well, you are fine in general." You blush again. "Ahem." Someone clears their throat.  You both look and see a unhappy Paul with two drinks on his hands. "Jones." Paul coldly said. "McCartney." Jonesy responded back with the same monotone voice like Paul's. "Hi babe, I was about to look for you. What took you so long?" You chimed in, trying to break the tension. "Long line." Paul says still not breaking eye contact with Jonesy. "Well it was nice meeting you, darling. I hope we'll meet again soon." "Bye John, take care." You were about to shake his hand, but he quickly grabbed it and kissed your knuckles instead.

"Take care, love." And off he went. Paul glare at him and you tugged his arm "Paul, let it go. He was just trying to be nice that's all." Paul suck his teeth and gave you your drink. You took it and Paul wrapped his free hand around your waist. "Yeah, right."

George Harrison~ Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones. The Beatles were in the record studio and George, your boyfriend brought you along. He didn't want you to be alone, so he took you. "Darling, can you bring me a cup of tea?" "Oh, can you bring me one too?" Ringo said. "Can I have one as well?" Paul asked. "Me three!" John chimed in. "Guys, she's my girlfriend. Not your waitress." You couldn't help but laugh. "It's alright, I'll bring your teas." Everyone thanked you and you left the room and head to kitchen they had on the building.

Once you finished making the boys their teas, you grabbed a tray and put their drinks there and was about to head to their studio room. Suddenly, a man came in. "Are you drinking all of that?" He asked. You laugh "No, it's for my boyfriend and his friends." You said. He grins "How generous of you then, love." You giggle "And what are you doing here, Mr. Keith?" "So you know my name?" Keith asked surprise. You shrug your shoulders "Well, when you're dating a famous member of a famous band... He does take me to those celebrities parties. Also, I like the Rolling Stones."

Keith smiles "Not only I met Harrison's gorgeous girlfriend of his, I met a new fan." You slightly blush by his compliment but smile. "It's an honor meeting you, Keith." You say. He shook his head and made his way towards you. "It's a honor meeting you, gorgeous." Again, you blush. You were about to say something, but you noticed someone leaning on the doorway. "So that's why you're taking so long." George says annoyed. "George, Keith was about to help me out." You said while smiling nervously.

"Uh yeah, she was struggling." Keith lied. George look at you and Keith, and rolled his eyes. He walk towards you and grab the tray. "Thanks, I'll take it from here. Go ahead, love." You nod "Bye Keith, thanks for the help." Keith nodded back and smile "Anytime, love."You blush and walk away leaving Keith and George alone. "I'll appreciate it if you don't flirt with her in front me." George said angrily. Keith crossed his arms and lean on the table. "Fine, I'll flirt with her when you're not around." He snickered. "Don't even flirt with her at all, I swear Richards if you make a move on my girl-" "Don't worry, it wouldn't happened again. See ya around, Harrison." Keith left the room leaving a jealous George alone with the teas. "It better not."

Ringo Starr~ Bob Dylan. One day, you went to the grocery store to get some few things to make Ringo's favorite food. Once you found everything and payed, you start walking back to your house while holding your grocery bags. Along the way, you were struggling a bit and a mysterious man sees you and decides to help you. "Here, let me help you." He says as he grabs some of your grocery bags. "Oh, you don't have too."

You look up and slightly gasp "Bob Dylan?" You asked surprised. Bob grins and nods "Who else would I be. Now, would you let me help you or not?" You smile and nod. As you two began to walk back to your place, you two began to talk about each other's childhood, likes, and dislikes. It took about ten minutes to arrived at your house and you thanked Bob for helping you out.

"Thank you so much, Bob. I really appreciated it. Would you like some tea or...?" "Oh no, no. I'm fine, thank you my dear. I have to head back anyway." Bob explained. "Oh um, ok then." You said. "We'll see each other again. Take care of yourself, dear." With that being said, you watch him go until he turn to a left and you scurried inside with your your grocery bags. Without being aware of, Ringo watched you and Bob in the windows and didn't like how Bob called you "my dear." Not one bit.

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