John Lennon 10

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"Come on honey one more push!" John yell. "Ughh, I can't do it anymore it hurts!" "Ma'm please just one more push and the baby will come out, look I see the head PUSH!" The nurse yell. Y/n screams and grips John's hand and John holds his pain by biting his bottom lip. "AHHHH!!!" And the baby begins to cry.

The nurse clean the baby up and wrap the baby with a blanket, while she's doing that, Y/n inhales and exhales hard and John curses under his breath and rubs his right hand. "Congratulations, Mr and Ms Lennon, it's a girl!" The nurse exclaim. "A-a girl?" You said weakly. The nurse hands the baby girl to Y/n and the baby looks at her with a smile. "Oh John she's beautiful." John wraps his arm around you and kisses your forehead, "Just like you." You smile and kiss his cheek.

"What are we gonna name 'er love?" John ask. "Julia, like your mother." You said. You could see him holding his tears but eventually drops one, "That's wonderful honey, hey baby I'm your daddy. Daddy will never let you get hurt and I'll show all my love like a father, I love you." And kiss her forehead and the baby giggles making you two giggle like little kids.

{Wow it's been a while since I last update, but today I had time to update. Damn I miss writing😭 and you too guys, hope you enjoy this cute one shot. Till next time peeps!✌🏻️}

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