What He Doesn't Like About You

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John~He doesn't like when you're being to dramatic. I mean in some situation you could be dramatic and he understands why, but sometimes when there's something going on and is not serious you'll still be dramatic. Heck he even calls you "dramatic queen."

Paul~ He doesn't like when you're too clingy. I mean he likes when you tell everyone that your his and he's yours, but holding each other hand or waist while talking other people or even when he's working.

George~He doesn't like it when you don't believe him sometimes. When he comes late from work, you always accused him of him cheating on you which its not true. He said he was work and you don't believe him, you call the man who works with him saying "He was at work working for the new album" and all that. So you feel guilty and he hugs you saying, "I understand why you do this, but sometimes you gotta trust me."

Ringo~Ringo doesn't like when you don't take things seriously, he wishes your serious but that's not your personality and he understands that but sometimes you have to be serious on serious things.

{I'm so sorry I haven't update for a month but I've been really busy with my work so I could pass the year, now that grades closes today. I'm not busy anymore and I'll be more active for now.}

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