George Harrison 10

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George was holding you closely to him, holding your hand, kissing your cheek every minute. You enjoy his presence, it's been so long since you two have been together because of touring, being in the studio and having interviews now and then. Luckily for The Beatles, Brian said they have a one month break and when it's done they need to come back to the studio and start planning a new album. Of course the boys agreed and George couldn't wait to spend his time with his lovely wife, Y/n. You sigh loving and nuzzling on his chest with your head "Oh George it's been so long since we last time cuddle like this. I missed you so much dear." You kiss his nose and smile "I missed you too my love, a whole month break and spending it with you is the best gift I ever had. I need to thank Brian for this you know?" He said while laughing a bit.

"George I was thinking..." You stop midway through your sentence. "Yeah?" Waiting for you to continue. "We've been married for three years now and I know you're busy and all, but when you have the time... can we start a family?" George stood up a bit from the bed and looks at you shock. "Family?" He question himself. You quickly stood up and hold his both hands "I mean if you don't want too, I understand-" "Darling calm down, but a family?" He question himself again. You stood quietly for a moment, waiting for his answer but he still haven't said anything. That's when you have enough and said "I mean, don't you want to have kids?!" By this point you start rasing your voice, making George look at you again.

"I do want to have kids, but's it's that... umm well..." "Yes?" Waiting for him to continue. "Well I- I don't know how to be a dad that's all. What if I'm a terrible father? I don't want to become a terrible dad Y/n." You caressed his cheek "George you're the best husband I can ever have, you'll be the best father for our kids." You said sincere. "How would you know? It's not like your a wizard." You laugh by his little joke and kiss his cheek. "Well if George can be great at the guitar and being a husband, I'm sure he'll be a great father."

He blush by your comment and pull you for a hug "This is why I love you Y/n." You giggle and pull away a bit to give him a kiss on the lips. "And this is why I love you too Georgie."

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