Ringo Starr 3

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"Uhhh Ringo." You moan softly, as he fuck you with his finger. "You like that baby?" He grin. "Uh-huh." You answer back. He added another finger and you groan by the pain a little, you grab his hand, telling him to go deeper which he gladly did. "Ohhh Ringo, mmmmm." You moan a little loud.

"You're so sexy, I wish I could fuck you now, but we're in this bloody party." He said. You guys were both invited in John's birthday party, and Ringo couldn't keep his hands off himself. So he quickly grabbed you by your arm and took you inside the bathroom.

He added his third finger, going faster and you bite your lip, trying not to moan hard. "I could just imagine, me fucking you on your tight pussy and you screaming my name begging for me cock." You groan by his dirty talking. He notice this, he grab your left boob and start sucking your tit. "Ahhhh Ringo, stop please... They're going to hear me, mmmmm." Ringo still kept doing it, till he stop sucking your tit but still fucking you with his fingers.

"Not until you cum." He kiss my cheek, grab my left boob again and suck my tit. You start feeling close, but you still want to feel more pleasure. So you stop his actions , which he was confused at first. You smirk and took out your clothes and he knew what you wanted, he took off his pants and boxes. He grab you by your butt and you felt your back hit the wall.

"You're ready babe?" He said. You bite your lip and nodded and he enter you and you started to moan. "Ohh baby, you're so big mmmmm." You moan out. "Shh you got to be quiet love, you don't want to them to hear us." You nodded and kiss him. He quicken his thrust and you moan still kissing him so the other guys won't hear.

"Ahh, Ringo I'm going to cum!" You moan louder. He goes deeper and you dig your nails in his back. "Fuck, me too Y/n!" He moan out too. You scream his name when you cum and Ringo also yelled your name when he reach his high. You guys quickly put your clothes on and went to the living room, where the gals and lads are there.

As soon you guys came John went up to both of you and whisper so only you guys could hear, "Never knew you too shag in a party." You both blush madly and John chuckle. "How did you-" Ringo began to say, "I was walking past by the bathroom and I heard Y/n moaning your name, I guess you were doing good there Rings." He chuckle one more time and left to go with others leaving you two blushing a mess.

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