John Lennon 6

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Today it's the day that you're 7months pregnant carrying the baby of John Lennon. The two of you are married couple for 3 years. It was the most wonderful yeah for you to be Mrs. Lennon and everyone is still talking how you're a lucky women to marry a talented man that is part of the Beatles.

You're sitting on the couch watching the news while petting your husky dog. You got the puppy by John because he's always on tours and you felt lonely, so one day he surprised by giving you an adorable, gray-white little husky dog. You squealed in excitement and carry the adorable pup and he lick your face and you kiss his forehead. John asked you "What are your going to name him?" And you responded saying "Hope." And he thought that was a perfect name for a perfect little cute puppy.

You then came back to the real world when you heard a knock on the door, you got up and open the door and you started crying but of tears of happiness... It's John, you're husband. He grin and open his hand asking for a hug and you hug him tightly and sniffing. He took you to the living room and sat you down in the couch. "Why so sad, don't you missed me?" He said. You hit his arm playfully but answer "Of course I missed you John!" You said while sniffing. He hold your hand and drying your tears too, "They why are ye crying love?" You laugh a little "Because I'm so emotional in these days you know John." He chuckle and kiss your forehead. "I know love, I know."

"I can't believe we're married for 3 years John, 3 years. I could remember like it was yesterday." You joked. He chuckle and said "I can't believe either, I could still remember how you were wearing that beautiful dress and how you said I do. That was my best day ever Y/n." You smile and cuddle with him and he start playing with your hair. You guys stay a while like this until John spoke again. "Wanna know what's the most wonderful day that happened?" You nodded and he touch your stomach and look at your e/c eyes.

"The day you told me that I'm going to be a dad." You smile wider and he kiss you passionately and you kiss him back. He broke away the kiss softly and said "I can't wait to see my little girl coming out in your stomach, how much I want to hug her and tell her how much I love her. She'll be beautiful just like you love. Remember Y/n I'll always love you I'll do anything to be there with my daughter and you. You two are the most things I love remember that love, but also remember this that I love you and I'll always will until the end." Your eyes started getting watery and hug him and say "I'll always love yo too John and I'm glad you're my husband." "And I'm glad you're my wife." He said and kiss you full of love and cuddle with you all day long.

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