💛Our Dear Pattie Boyd💛

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Ladies and gentlemans,
Today we honor someone special and that is our one and only


Pattie:Hello everyone.
Me:Hello Pattie, how you been?
Pattie:I've been great darling, what about you?
Me:I've been fine and I hope my dear, lovely followers are fine too.
Pattie:That's great to hear and greetings followers from this lovely girl Ca-. May I say your name darling?
Me:No not yet, until I have 100 followers so for now say the "C" word ok?
Pattie:Alright then, C.
Me:Now, the reason why I invited you Pattie, it's because we all know that it's your special day. So happy birthday love! *hands you a present*
Pattie:Why thank you C, thank you so much.*grabs the gift*
Me:Anytime darling, open you gift.
Pattie:*Opens the gift and receives a beautiful golden bracelet saying 'We love you' by C* Thank you so much Hun, I love it.
Me:No problem Pattie, and remember have a wonderful day!

Me:No problem Pattie, and remember have a wonderful day!

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