Paul McCartney 10

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"Again with that?!" Paul yell while rubbing his forehead. "And it's true, and you know that!" You yell back.

It's been another day, arguing, but this time because you felt that he was ignoring you and pushing you aside. You guys have been a couple since his teddy boy year, but even since "The Beatles" got famous so quickly because of "beatlemania." You were proud that you're boyfriend and his friends succeed, but you felt left behind.

He wouldn't admit it, but you constantly see him flirting with other girls and well you have heard rumors that he's having other affairs with the "groupies." Of course you don't believe he's sleeping with other girls, but you do believe he does flirt with them.

"Darling I'm telling you, I have never flirt with other girls. Instead they're the one who flirt with me!" He points to himself. You rolled your eyes "Yeah right, but when they tried to kiss you, you don't push them aside. Instead you let them!" Tears start falling, he notice and tries to hug you but you push him away.

"You know how hard is to look another girl kissing you, even if it's a quick peck on the lips, it still hurts. Hell even John makes jokes about you and sleeping with other girls, while the girlfriend is away and it's not funny." "And it isn't, listen love John can say stupid things but he doesn't know the truth..." He wipes your tears away and lifts your chin so you're looking at him.

"Y/n, I have and always been faithful to our relationship. When girls flirt with me I don't flirt with them back, instead I say I have a beautiful, lovely girlfriend back at home waiting for me to come back. Even when they tried to seduce me I don't let them, because I love you. You're my sunshine, I wouldn't even know what I'll do if I ever lose you. I'll go mad. All you have to do is trust me okay?" You nod and he kiss your forehead and holds you whisper in your ear, "I love you."

You smile and hug him "I love you too."

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