Ringo Starr 2

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"Come on Y/n, you should try it." "But what if he doesn't want too?" My best friend Mary suggested to try a threesome. This all started when she did it with his boyfriend and a friend. Now she's saying that I should try it because it's "the best thing" ever to happen in your sex life. "I'm not going to do it. Isn't that making you a whore or something?" I said. "No because he's letting you do it. Come on Y/n at least thing about it and if you make your mind then go talk to him about it." I hesitate "What if he's gonna freak out and he'll probably going to think I'm seeing someone else!" "He won't freak out I mean he might be a little surprise but mostly he won't think you're seeing someone else, because you're loyal to him and he knows that." I thought for a moment and I made my choice.

"You know what? I'm going to do it." I said kinda in a proud way. "You say it's the best thing of your sex life, right?" She smirk but answer "Of course it is, you won't regret it, promise." I chuckle and nod, tonight I'm going to do it... Well that is, if he agrees.

{8:30 pm}

"Sweetheart I'm home." Ringo called out. Good he's here. "In our room, sweetie!" I yelled. I hear him running and as soon he open the door. He give me my favorite hugs of all the time, the big teddy bear hug I called it. "I miss you so much." Ringo said lovely. "I miss you too darling." You guys then kiss it was full with love and passionate until it got heated quickly. He started giving kisses in my neck and licking it too and I moan softly. I push him away softly and he give me a "confused face."

"Did I do sometime wrong, honey?" I smile and give him a peck. "No baby, I just need to talk to you." He sigh in relief and grab my waist. "What wrong love?" He said. "Nothing's wrong, I just want to try something new, in our sex life." He give me a smirk and started kissing my neck, "And what do you want to try, we could try whatever you want. As long I still have it with you." He said between kisses.

"Even having some threesome?" He push me away softly and looked at me shocked. Now I kinda regret it for saying it. He starting laughing and I glare at him but not in a mean way though. "Good one love!" He said between laugh. "Ringo, I wasn't even joking." You said sternly that's when he stop laughing and looked at at me shocked again. "You're n-not kidding right?" I then answer him, sarcastically "Of course I'm kidding... Obviously I'm not! What do you think I mention it?!" He then shrug slightly and clear his throat "Well if you want to do it then I'll give it a go." I looked at him surprised "Really?!" I said kinda in a excited way. "Yeah I wanted to try it too, to be honest." He rub his neck nervously. I quickly give him a peck and squeak in excitement.

I quickly went to the living room and dial my friend number. He hesitate at first but he said "Fine, lets get this shit over it." And hung up. 5 minutes later and he arrive, he give me a awkward smile and I grab his hand and took him to Ringo's and I bedroom. "So you wanted to try it with Georgie here?" Ringo said. "Well you said we'll do it as long you have it with me, don't you remember?" Ringo sigh and said "Yes I remember darling." You then start taking your clothes off and Ringo too. Except for George.

"Well come on, don't be shy it's not like I haven't seen a dick before." You said. George laugh by your "little dirty joke" and started taking his clothes off too. The three of us are naked and we looked at each other and it was very awkward but then Ringo pick me up in a bridal style and throw me in bed. "Whoa there Ringo, didn't know ye that horny." George joke. "Shut up and let's get over it." Ringo said sternly but chuckle.

Ringo and George started crawling in the bed and Ringo started kissing your neck up and down and George is kissing your legs up and down too. Ringo then suggested "Wouldn't mind if she gives you a blowjob?" Ringo ask. "Course not Ringo, I wouldn't mind at all." George smirk while looking my body up and down. "Don't get used to it, this is only want time." George nod and sit in the bed and you grab his dick and started pumping his dick with your hand and he groans.

"Enough teasing me love, would you?" George said. You giggle and start sucking his dick and he moan softly. "Ah, that's it like that." He moaned out. Ringo then position himself between your legs and starts fucking you. You moan softly while giving Georgie a blow job. "Damn, her mouth feels good. Ye lucky Ye have her." George moan. "I know I am George." Ringo said through groans. "You should feel her in the back , she's even better." You moan by the boys words it turn you on even more.

"Y/n go a little faster." George groan and you did what he ask and he started moaning louder and Ringo thrust faster and you moan even more. George then grab your head so you could go deeper on his dick, his tip was hitting your throat and you gag a little by it. You guys were doing this for a while, until Ringo decides to switch spot and George agreed.

George slip his dick out of your mouth and Ringo slip his dick out of your butthole and switch. "Open up love." You gladly did and he put his dick on your mouth and he growl softly. While George position himself and start thrusting. "You're right Ringo, she's even better." George moan out. You moan by his words. "Don't get used to it Georgie, she's only mine. That crotch of her is mine and only mine." You moan louder by his dirty words.

A few more thrusting of George's and you cum on his dick and he slip out his dick and cum on your bed and Ringo cum on your mouth and you gladly swallow it. The three of you lay on the bed panting and sweating. "Wow this was-" "Amazing." You said. Ringo chuckle and his your forehead " I love you darling." You smile "I love you too." And the three of you both cuddle and slept.

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