George Harrison 13 {Requested}

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(I am so sorry to @queen_the_beatles for the late request I wrote just now, hope you can forgive me!)

Lucy was sitting Eric's lap, hanging out with the most popular celebrities in the year '68. Lucy is well known for dating the famous Eric Clapton, they're actually married. They wed two weeks ago and are the happiest couple... so what people thought. The truth is, Lucy doesn't love Eric anymore. With his drugs abuse, they've been slowly drifting apart. So why is Lucy still with Eric?Because she has nowhere to go.

Eric push her aside, and start doing coke. Lucy sigh and decided to go outside and get fresh air, away from him if that's possible. Lucy gets a cigarette pack from her pocket and lights it up. She never smoke, but all the bullshit she has to deal with her husband, she started. Which was long time ago, before the wed. She looks at the ring and wonders to herself "Why the hell I married you?" She takes a puff and blows it out and looks up in the sky.

"Why so lonely?" "Huh?" She turns around and sees a Beatle, with a warm smile. He begins to walk up to her and stands next to her "George." She nod. "Mrs. Lucy." He nodded back. "Just call me Lucy, you know I hate to be called Mrs." She mutters at the end. George chuckles and takes out a cigarette from his pocket and lights it up. "Well you are a married woman, you can't deny that." "I wasn't denying it. I just hate being called like that y'know?" He laughs a bit and takes a puff "Sorry then, Lucy." Lucy smiles and takes another drag from her cigarette. "More like it."

They talk for the night, while taking drags from their cigarettes. They laugh and just enjoy the night, just like they were teenagers. They talk how rebellious they were back then and Lucy even crack some jokes when George was deported back to England when John, Paul, Pete and him were in Germany to tried and get a music contract. As Lucy cigarette ran out, she sigh and throws it away. "I have to go back, Eric is probably looking for me. You know how possessive he gets when I'm not on his side." George shakes his head and puts out his cigarette and pulls her close to an embrace.

"Why can't you leave him and be with me?" Lucy stood still and whisper back "Because I'm married to him." George pushes her away and looks down, pissed. "Don't you see? I care about you, that fucker doesn't!" He start raising his voice "He does, he's just..." "He's what huh? There's no excuse Lucy, he loves his coke more than you which is sad. You're actually doing everything to keep your marriage happy, but he doesn't bother to try and quit!"

"Oh please like you're sober!" She began to raise her voice. "For your information, I am. For two months now!" He said as-matter-of-fact. "Well happy fucking anniversary then!" She yell back. "Better anniversary than your marriage!" Lucy gasp and slap him, making him more furious. "Fuck you George!" "I prefer fucking you, darling."

George quickly turn her around and pulls her shorts down, revealing no panties "No panties, such a tease." He begins to finger her and she moans "Ugh, stop it!" "Can't, you know as soon I add a finger..." He then adds another, earning another moan from her "I add another." She turns around and pulls him for a sloppy kiss and he deepens it. "Fuck me George." "Gladly." He pulls away from her quick and pushes down his pants and slides inside of her. She hisses and George waits for her to adjust from his size "Move. Now!" He starts fucking her senseless while kissing her to cover her moans. "Mmmm!" Digging her nails to his arms "I can fuck you better than him!" "Oh fuck George, I'm so close!" "See I can even make you cum quick than that bastard."

A few more hard thrust and he cums inside her, making her gasp "George!" "I'll buy you those pills!" Lucy gives him a look and starts pulling her shorts up, while George pulls his pants up. "I'm actually seeking a divorce lawyer, I can't deal with his crap anymore." "Good. You deserve better than that Lucy, you deserve to be with me." Lucy smiles and pulls him for a quick peck on the lips. "I do deserve better, and please come to my house first thing in the morning with those pills." He chuckles and pulls her for another kiss, but this time a long kiss "Will do, darling."

They go back to inside where the party is and Lucy sees her soon to be ex husband, high on his ass "Hey baby, where were you?" Lucy looks at George and back at Eric, with a smile "Oh you know, just finished fucking with George." Everyone gasp, especially George. "W-What?!" Eric gets up from the couch and gets close to her "You slut!" He yells at her. Lucy chuckles and quickly slaps him "Better than a addict! Come on George, let's go home." She grabs his hand pulls him away from the scene, before they both head to the door, George cocky says "She has a nice cunt, too bad it's not yours anymore." Leaving, the audiences shock and a pissed Eric.

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