When You Accidently Hurt Him

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John Lennon: You and John start playing fighting when you accidentally knee his crotch. "Fuck!" And falls to the ground while holding his crotch. "Oh my god, are you ok?" He looks at you in pain "Does it look like it?!" You help him out and when he was in the couch, still holding his crotch. You give him a apologetic smile and he smile back, meaning he forgives you.

Paul McCartney: Paul thought it was a good idea to scare you. He hid in the closet and you were going to put some clothes away, but when you open the closet "BOO!" Slap! "Oh my god Paul!" You yell at quickly came to his aid. "It's ok love, I'm fine." He saids while holding his cheek. You hit his arm "Ow, a slap his enough." "Instead of slapping you, I'm going to punch if you scare me again." Paul giggles and you continue to put some clothes away.

George Harrison: "George come help me the groceries!" You yell as you slightly push the door wide open. You put the groceries on the table and yell again "George didn't you hear me? George!" No answer. "George?" You start looking for him from the bathroom to the the bedroom you two share. "George?" All of a sudden someone grabs you behind and you step on it's foot and punch that person in the stomach only to hear "O-Oww." You gasp and hold him "I'm so sorry George, it was an accident I-" "I know babe, I know. You really do know how to hit." You proudly smile and kiss him on the cheek "Thanks."

Ringo Starr: You two were playing soccer and you kick the ball straight to his face, knocking him out. "Oh shit, Ringo!" You kneel next to him and slap his face lightly "Wake up!" His eyes open slowly and smiles "Is that an angel?" You blush and giggle "It's Y/n silly." He rubs his eyes and smiles cheekily "You're still an angel to me." He groggily says. You rolled your eyes playfully and help him get up. "Let's get you home yeah?" "Sure thing, but my girlfriend can get me home." "Ringo I am your girlfriend."

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