John Lennon 15

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"He's not good for you. He only wants one thing and that is your innocence!" Your mom yells at you as you rolled your eyes. "John loves me, he would never use me for that!" I yell back at her. She groans in frustration "Everybody knows he's no good, but a trouble guy. He's a bad influence for you." "Oh please like no one causes troubles in these days."

You began to head to your room and your mom follows you "Don't you dare walk away from me, I banned you from seeing him!" She yells again. You chuckle and said "Oh yeah like I'm going to listen to you. Just cause you and dad didn't work it out, doesn't mean you should fucked up my relationship with John. Not my fault dad couldn't deal with your bitching." Out of nowhere your mom slaps you across the room that you swear you almost got knocked out by it.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I am your mother and you're my daughter. Daughters obey their mothers!" You look at her as you hold your cheek where she slapped you. You got into her face and said "You're no mother, you're just a simply low excuse woman who happened to have a kid, but don't know how to be a mother." You push by her and grab some money and a jacket and start walking out the door.

"If you step out that door, you're not welcome here anymore then." She tried to intimidate you. You rolled your eyes again and said your last words to her "Like hell I'm ever going back your damn house. Throw all of my things I can give a less damn about that. Just so you know, you'll never see me again so screw you woman." And with that you head away from that place and still hear your mom's screaming your name, but you just walk away quickly.


You knock on the door and waited for him to answer and sure enough he did. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" "I left the house." You say as you walk by him. He shuts the door "You left your house?" You sit on the couch and look down the ground "I basically ran away. I can't deal with her anymore. Saying that you're nothing but trouble, that you only want my innocence and that you're a bad influence for me." He sits next to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you for a hug "Little does she know that I already lost my innocence to you, we both cause trouble together so I ain't a girl who follows by the rules and lastly, we're bad influences anyway and together we shall rise like that." You joke at the end making John chuckle and kisses your forehead.

"Well my aunt wouldn't mind you staying here with me. After all, we're going to get marry." You look at him, confused. "Marry?" John smiles and holds your both hands and looks at you deep in your eyes "Be my wife?" Tears began to roll down your cheek and hug him "Yes, a millions times yes!" He laughs and kisses you. "When I have enough money, I'll buy our engagement rings darling." "Oh John I could care less about that. As long we just get marry as soon as possible, that'll only satisfy me." He kisses your nose and holds you close to him "You're just adorable aren't you?" You giggle and wrap your hands around his waist. "I love you Johnny boy." "And I love you too my little girl Y/n." And with that, you knew John was the one and you couldn't wait to be your husband and he can't wait for you to become his wife.

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