How Long Have You Two Dated (Last Part)

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George Harrison~ You and George were actually good friends since High School, you even went to Germany with them. You still joked about how George was deported, making the other boys laugh. Also, you went touring with the Fab Four. Around 1966, George introduced you to his girlfriend, Pattie. You two instantly got along and were particular like sisters!

A year later, Pattie has been sad, and you asked what's the matter. "It's George, him and I have another stupid argument." She sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that, maybe I can talk to him?" You suggested. Pattie formed a small smile. "Oh please will you?!" You chuckle and hug her. "Of course."

When you went to his place, you confronted him and he sigh and put the guitar down. "Figures she'll tell you." You crossed your arms. "Figures it's true. Literally you two were all lovey-dove and now all of sudden you two are distant. Care to explain?" "I'm in love with you." "What?" It was silence for a moment, until George got up from the couch and walked towards you. You slightly backed away and George shook his head.

"Don't please. I know, it's very messed up, but I can't help it. I've been feeling like this since Pattie came to my life. I know, I should told you, but I was afraid to ruin our friendship. So when Pattie came to my life, I thought my feelings would go away. Obviously, that's not the case. Don't get me wrong, Y/n. I do care for Pattie, but I'm deeply in love with you. I'm sorry." You admitted saying that you are in love with him too, and asked him what about Pattie.

He told you he would take care of her, and he did. Apparently, George went to Pattie, and apologized for his behavior. Pattie forgave him and asked him why was he being distant. George confessed and Pattie understood. Pattie decide to leave, but wish you two the best. The year is now 1972, and you're at home knitting, while George is playing his guitar. He stops and puts his guitar aside, and walks towards you where you're sitting at the rocky chair. George kneel down and kiss your forehead.

"What's got into you?" You ask. "Nothing, just thinking about you." You smile and George rested one of his hands on your showing belly. "And this little fellow."

Ringo Starr~ You two have been dating since 1964! You two met when you bumped into him by accident. You were running late from work, and you were trying to fix your sleeves. That's when you bumped into him. "Oof!" You fell to the ground and he as well. "I'm so sorry, miss. I wasn't watching were I was going. Are you ok?" He helped you get up back on your feet, and you dust your skirt. "Yeah I'm ok, it's my fault for not looking."

You were looking for your purse and see the strange man hand it to you. You finally look up and slightly gasp. "T- thanks, Ringo." He nervously chuckle. "I hope you don't scream." You giggle and shook your head. "No, I wouldn't. Anyway, I have to go." You were about to run, but Ringo caught your arm. "Would I see you again?" You blush and nodded. "Meet me here again." With that being said. You began to run and pray your boss wouldn't yell at you.

Later on that day, you saw him waiting for you that spot and the rest is history.

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