George Harrison 8

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"Oh fuck, Georgie I'm gonna cum!" "Shit, me too love!" With one last powerful thrust you two came and your body start twitching because of your hard orgasm. He lays next to you, trying to catch his breath. "That was amazing as always." "Yeah it was..." You look away and sigh sadly. He holds your waist and kisses your neck and you pull away and start putting your clothes back on.

"What's the matter love, something is bothering you?" You put your pants on and said "Yes, something is bothering me. And it's this." "What do you mean this?" You look at him and tears form in your eyes. "This George, all of this. We- we can't be doing this anymore. Pamela is your wife and she's my best friend, hell I'm dating one of your mates, and his name is John. I feel disgusting, this is call whoring around." He gets out of his bed and put his boxers on. "Love it's not called whoring around, if we enjoy it and they don't know about this. Besides love, we're only doing this because we need to take our desires because our partners wouldn't do it."

"It doesn't matter, we're both whoring around. Even if we need our needs, we can't be fucking others. This is wrong George, I'm sorry." You're full dress and start heading to the door and the last thing you said was "This affair we had, will be the last one we'll see each other. I'm sorry George, it's just not right." And by that, you left and haven't seen each other again.

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