John Lennon 7

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Positive. I'm pregnant, should I tell John about it? What if he doesn't want kids? What if he'll ask me to abort or put in on adoption? Oh god, what am I going to do?

{At Paul's house}

"Are you sure you're pregnant love?" Paul ask. "Yes I'm sure, it said positive." Paul nodded and ask another question. "Is it John's?" You rolled your eyes "Yes it's John, what you believe I'm cheating on him?!" You start raising your voice. He put his arm in the air, "No, I do believe ye. I'm sorry if you took it at the wrong way." He apologize. You sigh and said "Its ok, I'm sorry for overreacting." He nodded.

"But should I tell this to John?" You ask shakily. "It's for the best darling." You sigh of fear. "What's wrong?" He ask. You feel tears coming "I'm just afraid that he'll leave me or wants me to do abortion or put it on adoption. I'm scare." Tears fell and you start to crying softly. Paul hugs you and try's to calm you down. "Don't worry love, I know Johnny boy wouldn't do that or he even ask you to do that. I know that for sure. Now love please don't cry I'm here for you." God you really love Paul a lot. He may be your best friend but for you he's like a brother. You sniff and dry your tears and smile.

"Thank Paul, you're always there for me." He smile "That's what friends do right?" "Right." He took you home and wave goodbye and drove off. You unlocked the door and step inside and by surprise you see John waiting for you in the living room. "J-John." You spoke shaky. He stood up and smile and went up towards you and hug you. "Ello' love, where were you?" He said. "Oh I was just taking a walk, you know because I was bored." You lie. John gets easily jealous so you have to be careful of what you're going to say.

"Oh, well at least you came home safely and fine." You gulp hard and laugh nervously. "Hehe, yeah." You were about to head to your room until John grab your hand. You turn around and saw his smile into a frown. "Are you sure, yer fine?" "Yes I'm fine Johnny." You lie again. "Darling I know you were with Paul." Your eyes widens. Oh no is he going to yell at me! "But don't worry love, I'm ok with it. I trust you and Paul." He give those beautiful smile that you love.

"But I want to know the truth..." You stiff a little "And what could that be?" You said in a worried tone. "Is it true that... You're pregnant?" You start panicking inside your head, but you have to be honest with him. You sigh and nodded "Yes I'm pregnant. I'm sorry John if you don't want the baby I'll do an abortion or put it on adoption and then I'll leave yo- hmp!" John kiss you so you could be quiet. You close your eyes and kiss him back. How I miss his lips you thought.

The two of you pull away softly and look each other in the eyes. "Love why would you think I want you to do that?" You shrug and look down. "It's ok if you're pregnant because I wanted to start a family." You look up and you see him smiling. You hug him "Oh Johnny, I thought you didn't want too. I'm sorry if I lied to you about me going outside when I was really with Pau, but I swear we didn't anything we just talk." He chuckles and hugs you back "It's ok love I believe ye, I always do. I love you and the baby too." He touch your stomach and kiss it. "I can't wait to see my son or daughter. I bet she or he will look beautiful like you mom." You start tearing up and he notice.

"Aw come on love, don't cry you're gonna make the baby upset." He coos. You hit his arm playfully. "I'm sorry John I'm just emotional." He laughs and kiss your forehead. "I love you darling." You smile and kiss his cheek "I love you too dear."

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