What He Says When You're Insecure

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John Lennon~ "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and met in my entire life. So what if you're thighs are a little big? I think they look amazing. Your legs are sexy to me and that's the only thing that matters, those legs of yours can turn any man on." John would say as he pushes you to the bed. You shudder when John run his both hands on your thighs and gives it a nice squeeze. "Don't believe me? I'll show ye then."

He indeed show you if you know what I mean.

Paul McCartney~ "What? You're not big, why would you say that to yourself, y/n? That's having curves, darling. Your curves can drive a man wild, love. Just like it drives me wild when you wear those tight dresses. Those curves can kill and god am I a lucky fella to have you as my girl." Paul would wrapped his arms around your waist and lands his hands on your hips. He'll kiss your cheek and he squeezes your hips.

"Those curves do drive me wild, love." He'll whisper. Let's just say he indeed show you how 'wild' those curves of yours drove him that night.

George Harrison~ "Darling, there's nothing wrong to have small breasts. I think they look lovely, you look lovely on them. For me, I think you have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen. They're so perky and squishy too. You still think your breasts aren't  great? Well then, I guess I'll have to show you why they're great, love. Tonight."

He did. Lots of hickeys on your breasts and bite marks too!

Ringo Starr~ "Your stomach? What's wrong with your stomach? Nothing is wrong with your stomach! What are you talking about? Stop that, don't say that. That's it, guess I'll have to change yer mind!"

He did change your mind, took you an hour though. Yup, that's how long you two lasted that night. Any other normal nights may I say.

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