Ringo Starr 1

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"Y/n I'm home!" Your boyfriend yell you were in the bedroom reading a book you just brought today, "I'm here in our bedroom!" You yell back then all of a suddenly you heard him running upstairs, open the door and hugs you so tight that you couldn't breathe well.

"R-R-Ringo I-I can't b-breathe" Ringo let's go of you and said to you " I'm sorry I just miss you so much that I barely have time to be with you, I wish I could be with you forever." You blush lightly then you kiss his cheek "Oh honey don't worry I miss you too, but you have to focus on your music career" you said.

Ringo smile sadly and grab your hand and kiss it and then kiss your cheek and said "Y/n you know I love you with all of my heart and I just really wish we could spend more time together but like the band is so popular that I have to go on concerts, interviews, tours, and go to the studio to work on those new bloody songs, and you my dear do chores around the house, go do the groceries, make our dinner even though I come home late. I sometimes think that you don't love me anymore because I'm not with you like every couples do." You kiss him passionately and said "Ringo I will love you forever, no matter if we don't spend time I know that you love me and you know that I will always love you, it's okay Ringo if we don't spend time together I understand you have to focus on your work."

Ringo then hugs you and kiss your cheek and said "I'm really sorry I can't hang out with you that's why the lads let me bring you for now on the studios and concerts so now I could spend time my work and with you."

Ringo kiss you and you kiss him back you guys cuddle and Ringo kiss your forehead and said "I love you Y/n." You smile and kiss his cheek and said "And I'll always love you too Ringo."

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