John Lennon 11

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{Reader's POV}

It's been three years that I left John for good, why? Because that son of bitch lied to me. He told me that he'll love me, protect me and take care of me. He said he'll make me the happiest women... but that was just a lie. He just said all of those things so I can be with me, to stay with him.

That night, that very night... I was working late again, when I came to the house. I saw the lights that were still on "Hm, that's odd." I said to myself. I just shrugged it off, he mostly stays awake because he writes songs. As I enter the house the house was quiet... too quiet.

I went to the the room where we used to share and what I saw was the worst nightmare a girl can ever have. I-I saw him there naked in bed, w-with another girl...


"Y/n let me explain-" "How could you?!" You yelled. "You- you cheated on me!" The girl start putting her clothes back on, and when she did. I immediately attacked her and she started screaming like she's dying or something. John pulled me away from her and she ran away from the house. "Y/n please stop over reacting!" Whack!

He hold his cheek and look at me like I was insane. "Overacting? Overacting?! I just caught you in bed with another girl!" He looks down at his shoes, guilty. "You lie to me, why John why?!" "Because I was using you!" Tears slip away from my eyes. "I-I was just using you, I wanted your body that's all."

"Will you know what? You had your fun. I'll start packing and then I'll leave your life for good."

{Flashback Ends}

I left for good, haven't seen him ever since, I kept my words.

"Oops I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump to y-" "Y/n?" I look up and I saw him... "John." He smile at me, he try to hug me but I refuse to touch me. "Sorry to bump into you, bye-" "H-h-hold up!" He grab my arm and I look at him dead in the eye. "Let. Go. Of. Me." He shook his head "Not until you let me explain about that night."

I rolled my eyes, "There's nothing to explain, you already said it. You were using me." I start walking away but he kept following me. "Listen Y/n, I didn't mean to say those things, I swear-" "Oh John like I'm going to believe you, you and I are nothing anymore. And let's just pretend we never met." He went in front of me, blocking my path.

"I- I can't forget about us, about you. Ever since you left me, I thought you were coming back, but I was wrong. Really wrong. I tried to forget you, but it was useless, everything reminds you. Your smile, your pretty face, your hair, everything. Hell I can't even sleep at night anymore because I need you to hold me, or when I wake up I don't see you're beautiful face in the morning. I miss your smile, your face, your eyes, your hands, hugs and your kiss..." He holds my hands and looks at me straight into my eyes. "But I mostly miss your presences. You're the one to make me happy and I know I'm the one keeping you happy, I want you to be in my side, I want to be by your side. Through good times and the bad times, I miss you... I- I love y-you Y/n, please give me another chance. I change just for you and only you, I- I never change for a girl before and you're the first one to change me. Please just come back with me, be my girlfriend again, my love?"

He then kiss me and I pulled away quickly. I push him away and he look at me, hurt. I wipe the kiss from my lips and I started walking away, I stop from a few steps I took and said my last words to him. "You made me believe everything you said, you said you'll care about me, protect me, make me happy but mostly you said you'll love me... You lied to me and it hurts when people say something but doesn't mean it. You knew that, but you did it anyway. I don't you in my life anymore, I'm a strong, independent women. You may have hurt me but that doesn't ruin my life, to take away all those negative people in your life you must get rid of them, now that you're nothing to me. No more negative things are gonna ruin my life. I wouldn't let you fool me again John Lennon, remember you and I were nothing in the past and we're just strangers. You may still want think of me as your lover, but I'll just remember you as a stranger. So goodbye stranger, have a nice life."

And with that I left for good this time, never seen or hear of him ever again.

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