Holy shit

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Angelica's POV

Wow. A lot of staring. And I do mean a lot of staring. How do human do this and why? I mean, I look just like them and they look just like me. So I don't get why they would stare at me. I bit the inside of my cheek, something that I do when I get nervous. Okay, I can blend in, just like they wanted. I can blend in. I can. I will.

I was staring at everything in awe. Seeing as I was always homeschooled. I didn't get to see a lot of this. I was amazed on how dull it was. I mean, grey here, grey there. But a part of a me loved that. Made me feel Normal for once. I giggled to myself. I giggled again when Maddie shook her head at my giddiness. I was just so excited. So full of excitement. I couldn't wait. I was too busy staring at the dull walls. That I didn't watch where I was going. And I bumped into a very hard wall. Well, I thought it was for a second. I ended up landing on my bum. Which hurt, a lot. And so did my pride. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there", I heard a voice that sounded sweet like candy and roses. I looked up and was amazed at what I saw. My eyes widened when my eyes landed on her image. She was beautiful.

Then I felt that tingle

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Then I felt that tingle. The one tingle. That my father told me about. The same tingle I've been waiting for my entire life. The tingle in my heart. It was now pounding against my chest. The same thing that my father said he had when he met pops. The soulmate tingle. My eyes widened even more, if that were even possible. I didn't snap out of it until I felt very strong arms wrap around my arms and lift me up like I was nothing but a sack of potatoes. I was now standing upright. I could only gape at the person who helped me. "There you go, you aren't hurt, are ya little one?", a males voice rang through my ear drums like a sweet waterfall of honey. And I didn't even know what honey sounded like. But I liked it. I looked up and saw his face. I blinked again and again. To make sure what I was seeing. My eyes then widened when again I felt the tingle. The same tingle I felt when I looked at the sculpture of a woman next to him.

Both of their eyes were a liquid gold

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Both of their eyes were a liquid gold. They're skin as icy snow. They seemed flawless. I went to open my mouth to say something, but nothing came out, I was speechless. My soulmates were Freaking vampires! Shit!

"Holy shit", I muttered under my breath. I couldn't believe this. I can't believe this. It seemed so unbelievable. But real at the same time. I don't know about you, but I definitely need to get out of here before I accidentally let my wings out in a frenzy. I was freaking out, okay? I met two of my soulmates. And they were freaking vampires! Something my family kills. And it's a lot to wrap around my head. So if I don't get out of here now, I'm gonna show people what I really am. And we both know we can't have that. So I grabbed Maddie by the arm and rushed us around the two flawless people. We had to get out of here, like right now!

"You didn't, you did. You fucking imprinted on two Cullens!", she whispered loudly at me. (I know it's the same thing for the wolves. But it's different for angels). I turned to her. "You think I have a choice, I felt the soulmate tingle. The very thing that my father felt when he met my pops. And now me? I'm freaking out, my soulmates are freaking vampires", I said. I was using my hands a lot. Showing I was really freaking out. My heart was pounding against my chest so hard that I thought it might just jump out of my chest. Maddie set her hands on my shoulders to calm me down, which helped a little. "Okay, calm down. Just calm down. Maybe it won't be that bad. I mean, remember what I told you, they feed on animals and not humans. It can't be that bad, right?", she told me. I sighed and shook my head, I wish that were true, I really do. But my parents are something else. My pops will probably shoot them before asking questions, it's just how he is. I pinched my nose. "Easy for you to say, have you met my fathers! If they knew, they wouldn't ask questions, it's shoot first, ask questions later, remember?", I told her. Which was true, because that's how my fathers were, okay maybe it was just my pops, but still! I don't need my pops trying to shoot my soulmates!

She sighed too. "Well, as long as they don't come here, which I don't see why they would. You get to play nice with your soulmates, maybe a little bit of house if that makes you feel any better. But I'm pretty sure if they're your soulmates, your their mate. So they'll be coming after you eventually", she said. And I don't know why, but instead of being scared. I felt a tingle down my back at the thought of that. Like a pleasure filled tingle. I saw Maddie's face scrunch up in disgust. "Yeah, no. I don't want to know what's going on in there. Keep me out of it and we'll be cool. Now come on. We've got class to go to, can't be late on our first day", she said as she pulled me along. I sighed and shook my head. When did this start to become my life?

Oh yeah. The first day I was born. I was born into this.



The minute we entered the room. The room felt weirdly warm and stuffy. Eh. Maybe that's why there's fans. I blushed when I saw so many people around. Staring. Okay, what Is with the staring? I get it, I'm new, and what does Maddie say, I'm fresh meat or something? Along those lines I guess. I looked around the room. And my eyes widened at another flawless person in the back. Oh you got to be kidding me. Not another one. But alas, I felt the same tingle I felt with the other two. I mean, don't get me wrong. I always loved the idea of one day meeting my soulmate. But I never would have guessed they would be vampires.

This one has brownish blonde hair. Icy white as snow skin. His eyes were different. Coal colored even. I gulped. Did that mean, he was hungry? I really hope not. I really don't want to be my soulmates lunch. And then his eyes met mine and I was done for. He was handsome. Flawlessly even.

But really? Another one

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But really? Another one. That makes three of them. This was so going to be hard to keep from my parents. I nervously sat next to Maddie. Not too soon after that, a piece of paper was slid in front of me, I raised an eyebrow, and I grabbed the paper and opened it. "Seriously? Another one? That makes three Cullens. Ugh. I would be careful of this one though. And watch your thoughts, he's a mind reader", the note said. I looked behind me and saw him staring at me. But instead of the cold glare of his eyes that first met mine, his eyes were softened and seemed warm. And did they just turn golden? They did.

I slammed my head against the desk and groaned. This makes everything complicated. But what made things worse. Was that Maddie was laughing at me. Why? Why do I have a best friend that laughs at my misery? Why?


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