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Angelica's POV

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Angelica's POV

For the past week, Maddie has helped me, blend in. It was a bit hard, you know? I had to say some words differently, and act differently. But getting dressed was the easy part. It always was. Even though I grew up with grown adult men, I dressed like any other girl. It wasn't so hard now. I can blend in with the humans. I can act human. Shouldn't be that hard. Right?

I sighed as I threw on my clothing. And then threw on my potato jacket. I felt cute in it. I was a cute potato. I smiled and giggled. I placed my glasses on my face and twirled around. I giggled again and grabbed my backpack. I swung it around my shoulders and walked down the stairs. I already did my hair, and brushed my teeth. I was ready to go to school. Super.

I soon made it downstairs where Maddie was waiting. She smiled at me. "Why don't you look cute", she said grinning at me. I blushed. I felt cute. She handed me a granola bar. "Eat up, you'll need it", she said as she walked out of the front door. I raised an eyebrow, but then shrugged as I opened my granola bar and began munching on it. I happily munched and skipped outside the doorway. I skipped all the way to the car and got in. I happily wiggled in my seat. Maddie raised an eyebrow at me. "What are you so excited about?", she asked me. I grinned at her. I was so excited! I couldn't wait to go to school! "I'm so excited! Going to school with actual humans!", I said excitedly. I wonder if it'll be better then being homeschooled. I watched as she shook her head and laughed at my excitement. "Your the only one that's actually happy to go to school. Word of warning, don't go up to everyone and say hi, they're not like me, they have their own click, um their group of friends, especially the Cullen family", she said as she gripped the steering wheel. I titled my head to the side in confusion. What did she mean by that? What was so wrong about the Cullen family? It sounded mysterious to me, and only made me want to meet them even more. "What's so wrong with the Cullen family?", I asked her in curiosity.

It took a few minutes for her to respond. I heard her sigh before answering. "The Cullen family are not like us or any human. In fact they're not human at all, they're um, they're vampires", she said in a hushed voice. My eyes widened in shock. I'm positive that I almost stopped breathing for a second. "Vampires? We're going to school with vampires?", I whispered. I could feel a shiver of fear run down my spine. I didn't have a good past with vampires. She sighed again. "They're not like the ones we're used to hunting, they don't die at the touch of sunlight, they don't die when they're staked or soaked in holy water. These vampires sparkle in the sunlight and the Cullens only feed from animals", she said as she kept her eyes on the road.

I tried to stifle my laugh, but it just ended up coming out. Maddie looked back at me with confusion and raised a eyebrow. I just burst out in giggles. "What's so funny?", she asked me. I bit my lip to try and stop laughing. "It's said they sparkle........right?", I said through my giggles. She rolled her eyes at me. "All through that talk and that's what you caught, yes they sparkle, but they don't do it often. I've only seen it once and it was by accident", she said through a huff. I giggled again.

Oh she is definitely her fathers child. She's so funny when she gets grumpy.


Third person POV

Alice was filtering around the house, humming to herself. But then she stopped in her steps. Right in the living room where the rest of her family was. Jasper saw that she was right in the middle of a vision and sped over to her side. "Alice, what is it?", he asked her. His voice dripping with concern. Was something wrong? Was something going to happen? Has something already happen? And if so, what happened? But he wasn't too worried once he saw the smile on her lips. "Our mate, our family mate is here! She's finally here! Oh my gosh! She's beautiful! And she's a little! Oh I just know we'll have the best time together!", she said excitedly as she started to draw on a piece of paper. Drawing a picture of their shared mate.

She couldn't wait to meet her!

It didn't take long for Alice to finish her drawing. She snapped out of her vision and smiled at her family. "See! Look, isn't she beautiful?", she asked her family. She held up the drawing to her family. Who got closer to her to get a closer look at their shared mate. They all gaped at the drawing. Alice's visions were never wrong. She was indeed the most beautiful creature they've ever seen. And she's a little? Even better. They've caught up with the humans and their Hobby's. So they knew what a little was. And they couldn't wait to spoil her.

"Damn, she's hot", Emmett said. Rosalie rolled her eyes and hit her husband for saying that. But he was right. She was beautiful. And she was theirs. Well, soon enough she will be.

Edward looked at it at a better angle. He couldn't help but think she was beautiful. He's seen Alice's vision and saw his mate in color, unlike his family. Her eyes blue, her hair black as night. Her skin as white as fresh milk. She was perfect.

Esme smiled and clapped her hands. "Finally! Someone I can cook for! Our mate will be living like a queen in no time", she said happily. Carlisle smiled and shook his head at his wife's giddiness. But she was right, the minute they have her here, she'll be living and eating like a queen. He couldn't wait for their final puzzle piece to be together. She was their final puzzle piece to their family. They just had to meet her first. And then it'll just go on from there. Hopefully she won't be Afraid of them once she finds out about what they are.

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