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Angel's POV (A few days later)

Ugh! Could this day get any worse?! Sometimes I hate being half human, seeing as that part of me still allows me to catch a freaking cold! Ugh! I hate being sick! I was stuffy, achy, my whole body hurt, and I was super tired, I can barely open my eyes right now. I didn't want to move from my bed, I don't think I physically can, and that's what sucks, especially when I have to pee, but not right now though, thank grandpa. But I'm screwed when I do, because that is going to suck, maybe I'll just ask Maddie to take me to the bathroom. But right now, I just wanted to sleep, I was in and out of it, I was hot, but also cold, I didn't know if I wanted the blankets on me or off of me. Ugh! I wanted to cry, but even then I didn't have it in me to freaking cry! I wanted to move over, flip over, but I couldn't even do that, I let out a irritated huff, I hated this, I didn't like any of this!

But then I felt a cool hand on my forehead, I moaned softly at the cool feeling on my hot skin, it felt nice. "Don't frisk me, I'm under the influence of a cold", I mumbled under my breath. I didn't know who it was, but their skin felt really, really good on my skin. I'm pretty sure I was delirious, but at the moment, I didn't really care. But then I heard the person that owned the cool hand giggle. "Aww, my poor baby, I think your running a fever", I knew that voice, it was Alice. I hmm'd softly. I made grabby hands at her hand, to bring it back to my warm skin, to my cheeks, mmmm, that feels good. "Mmmm, feels nice", I mumbled again. I didn't want to open my eyes, knowing it was going to be blurry and bright, I just wanted to lay here, with her skin on mine. "I think I should get Carlisle, he bring down your fever", my eyebrows scrunched up, I didn't want her to leave, I liked her being here, her cool skin was making my hot skin not be so hot. "Noooo........don't go", I'm pretty sure my words were being slurred, probably by my fever or something. But then I felt as she placed her cool lips on my forehead. Mmmmm, nice, feels nice. "I'll be back sweetheart, I promise", and before I knew it, she was gone. Great, now I'm hot again, achy and stuffy. Just great. But maybe Carlisle can help me, he was a doctor after all. I mmm'd softly, I was hot, stuffy, achy, sleepy, and I really wanted to cry. I don't like being sick. I hate being sick. I could feel the cool sheets on my skin, but it wasn't enough, the feeling of the sheets were making me feel icky. I really hope I get over this cold soon. Or else I'm gonna suffer. But it wasn't long before I felt cool hands on me again. I hmm'd in pleasure as I felt cool hands back on my forehead. "Hi sweetheart, I was told you weren't feeling good", it was Carlisle, doctor hottie, I smiled at the thought. I was lucky to have such a attractive mate. I hmm'd in agreement, I wasn't feeling good, I felt like crap. Yeah I know, I'm not so innocent anymore, thanks to Maddie. I'm learning to be more human. "I don't feel so good, Daddy", I didn't even realize what I said, I'm pretty sure I was too delirious to think about what I said. I didn't even notice the silence after what I said, I just turned my head to get more of the coolness that came with his skin.

"It's okay little one, I'm gonna help you feel better, I'm gonna give you some medicine, is that alright?", I could feel myself nodding my head, I licked my dry lips, they were really dry. I could feel someone running their fingers through my hair. And another pair of lips on my forehead again. "It's okay baby, you'll feel better soon", it was Alice again, she came back. Mmmm, I was able to move, so my head was resting on her chest, I didn't mind, it was nice. But it didn't last very long, sadly. "I'm gonna need you to sit up for this, I know, I'm sorry sweetheart, but you need to take your medicine to feel better", I whined softly at the fact that I was gonna have to sit up to take the medicine, I didn't want to move, I didn't want to sit up, I just wanted to lay in my bed, but I knew if I did, I would never get better. So I complied with him as he helped me sit up, he was very gentle about it too. I was able to crack my eyes open for awhile, at first it was blurry and a bit bright, I was super tired and stuffy and achy, it sucked, a lot. I hated being sick. I saw Carlisle give me a smile, I smiled weakly when I saw him smile at me, he had such a pretty smile, such a handsome face that had a pretty smile. "Hi there sweetheart, as soon as you take this you can lay back down, okay?", mmm, that sounded nice, okay, I guess it wasn't so bad, I can take the nasty cold medicine and then lay back down. "Okay Daddy", again, I'm pretty sure my little side was making a appearance, and I wasn't really trying to keep it at bay right now, I was half asleep, probably delirious, and just hurt all over. So yeah, probably won't remember any of this tomorrow.

Carlisle gave me another pretty smile, he gently took a hold on my chin in his hand, and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I mmm'd softly at the feeling of his cold lips on my forehead. It felt nice. "Good girl", the little in me was jumping with joy at the praise he was giving me. I then watched as he brought a small cup of something up to my lips, and I already knew what was coming, and I knew it was going to taste horrible. Why can't they ever make medicine taste good? I get it's medicine and it's supposed to help you feel better, but can't they make it also taste good like actual fruit or something. They slap a picture of a fruit on the bottle, but it never actually tastes like the fruit, it tastes horrible, I can't even describe the taste of it. But I'm not even sure if Carlisle is giving me the over the counter stuff, he is a doctor, so probably giving me the real stuff. I opened my cracked lips as soon as I felt the rim of the cup hit my lips, and then the liquid inside of the cup hit my tongue, and there it was. That nasty taste. I could feel my brows scrunch up with disgust, ugh! Ew! It tasted horrible! "I know it doesn't taste good sweetie, but you need to take it, so it can help you feel better", ugh! Ewww! It tasted so gross in my mouth, I wanted to spit it out, but I knew I couldn't, I didn't want to make a mess everywhere, and I really didn't want them to clean up the mess, so I guess I'll just have to force myself into drinking it. Just push through it Angel, just push through it! It took everything in me to not spit it out, I swallowed it as best as I could. As soon as I was finished with it, and the cup was taken away from my lips, I gagged softly, thankfully none of it came out. That would be horrible, I didn't really want to throw up on him, even though I'm pretty sure he's had people throw up on him, seeing as he's a doctor and everything. But I would never be able to show my face if I did throw up on him, so I forced myself to keep the medicine inside of my body instead of out of it.

I felt his lips on my forehead again, mmm, I really like how their skin feels on mine, it always feels nice, it's not too cold, just the right temperature. If your asking me anyways. "Good girl, now you can lay back down", again the praise, the little in me goes nuts for it. I can feel myself slipping, but at the moment, I didn't really care. What if I wanted to slip? Could I trust them with that? I guess that's up for the grown up me that's not sick. Which would be in the near future. "Okay Daddy", I mumbled softly under my breath. He helped me lay back down, and I made grabby hands at him, I didn't want him to leave, I wanted cuddles, I really liked cuddling with my mates, as you can see. "Cuddles daddy, please", I heard him chuckle softly and bring one of my hands to his lips. "Of course little one", I felt as he got in the bed with me, and I immediately cuddled up to both of them, my face was buried in Carlisle's chest, I could feel Alice's arm wrapped around my waist and pressed against my back. I was pretty sure there was no space between us, but I didn't really care, I liked cuddling like this, I liked having no space between us. I laid a hand on top of Alice's that was around my waist, and another gripping Carlisle's shirt. This was nice. Really, really nice. I could feel myself slipping back to sleep, I forget, medicine like that makes you tired and drowsy. I felt the both of them kiss the top of my head. "Get some sleep baby, we'll be here when you wake", I smiled softly as I heard Alice's voice, I knew they would always be there for me, just like I would always be there for them.

I was happy.

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