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Third person POV

It was a normal rainy day like any other day. But today, it was a lazy day. Angel laid in between two of her soulmates. They watched as she slept. Rosalie couldn't help it. Her sweet little Angel was so beautiful. Even when she slept. She gently ran the back of her hand across her soft cheek. So soft and so warm against her cold hand. The soft sound of the rain and the sound of her heart echoed in her ears. It was beautiful. She always knew the rain calmed her Angel into a soft slumber. Rosalie had thought the rain was ruined for her Angel. But she thought wrong. Even though what had happened in the rain, didn't stop Angel from loving the rain.

She was perfect. So beautiful and so perfect.

She loved her. She did. But she didn't know if Angel was ready to hear it. But if she was, she would always tell her that she did. Whisper sweet loving words to her. Because she loved her. Her sweet Angel. She bent her head down and placed a soft kiss to her mates forehead. Smiling softly when Angel smiled in her sleep. "It's okay, my sweet Angel, you are safe, sleep", she whispered to her softly. She loved watching her mate sleep, she may not be able to, but watching as she breathed softly, was more then enough for her.

'Tried to see what it means to say
Break my bones then I praise the pain
Don't take shelter stand in the rain
It's meant to feel that way'

She never thought she would ever find someone like her. In her eyes, Angel was a miracle, she never loved someone so much like she did Angel. Yes of course she loved Emmett, but the love she had for Angel was different. Softer, and sweeter. She felt more protective over her little angel. She knew her angel got herself into more trouble then most. But it wasn't her fault. It was sadly just the way it was. But she could try and be there to protect her. Even though she was failing at it recently. She couldn't protect her. Twice. But she wasn't going to let it be a third time. Oh no, she was going to stick to her like glue if she had to. She hated seeing her little angel face in pain. She hated seeing her tears.

She hated seeing the scars that were on her pale beautiful skin. Not that they didn't make her beautiful. She loved every bit of her. But she hated how she got them. Knowing what and who gave them to her. She hated that she wasn't there to keep her from getting them. Her sweet, sweet Angel didn't deserve that. And yet people in this world always have a way to harm her. But no more. No more will she see her angel in pain. She will fight every single person if she has to. Even if it means the people at school, she will scream and yell, she wasn't going to let her be alone. She already knew what happened the last time she left her alone. So if those dumbasses at the high school have a say in it. Oh she will give them her wrath. No one was going to lay a hand on her mate, unless it was her.

She was hers.

'Tired from all those things that you take
Always fighting keeps you awake
Crying when your heart seems to break
It's meant to feel that way'

Emmett could only watch the way Rosalie was with her. He knew she loved her just as much as he did. But he could see the way she was with her, softer, gentler, she was more protective. But he didn't mind. Their angel was more breakable then he was. And it was nice to see Rosalie softer with her. A sudden change in her, even since they met Angel. But he too felt like he's changed, ever since meeting her. He may still be the goofy man that he was. But he was more protective, more gentle, he had to be. He didn't want to accidentally hurt her.

His beautiful Angel. Fierce, yet beautiful. His sweet little one. He may have only had her in his life for only a little while, but he couldn't see his life without her in it. He wanted to spend the rest of his long life with her. He already knew he loved her, he could feel it, not just in the bond, but where his heart used to be. He loved her. It wasn't that hard to fall in love with her. She was the best thing that's ever happened to him, well besides Rosalie. If it wasn't for Rosalie, he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't have her.

But then he guessed things just happen.

And he was glad that this happened.

He was more then happy to know he met her. His little mate. His little Angel.

He couldn't help but smile as he looked down at her. She looked so peaceful. A soft smile on her lips. He always knew the rain was one of the things that helped her sleep. It calmed her. Helped her sleep. He too thought the rain was ruined for her after what happened.  But he guessed he was wrong. She still loved it. And he was glad that it wasn't ruined for her.

'Hiding 'til you're numb and you're grey
That's no way to try win the day
Life wants you to feel it is here
It's meant to feel that way'

He gently pulled the blankets up more. So she wouldn't be cold. He may not notice the cold in the room. But it was raining, it might be a little cold. But it was a good thing they got that heater installed. The little human needed as much heat as she could. They might not mind the cold. But she hated the cold. She always said there was a difference between the cold and the feeling of their skin. The temperature of their skin was nice and cool, but not cold enough for her to be cold.

He smiled once more. He pressed his lips to the side of her forehead. "Sleep right, my little shorty", he whispered to her. He loved how small and short she was. Because when she was in his arms, he felt like he hold her with no difficulty. That he could keep her safe in his big arms, she was so small in his arms. He knew that she loved being in his arms. She always loved to cuddle. It was her thing. Cuddling. It was mostly what she did, she liked to cuddle.

He couldn't help but chuckle when he saw her cuddle deeper into Rosalie. Her face pressing against her chest. He saw the smile appear on Rosalie's lips. He watched as she ran her fingers through Angel's hair. He knew she loved having angel in her arms. And he knew he loved both women.

They were both his.

And he will forever.

'It's meant to feel that way
It's meant to feel that way'

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