The accident

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Angelica's POV Hours later

Thank grandpa school is over! I'm starting to hate school. And I used to love it. They ruined school for me. Those backstabbing beautiful jerks. I wanted to enjoy school. Not hate it. Now I can't even do that. I huffed as I made my way towards Maddie's car. "Oh, don't pout angel. Really doesn't look good on you", she said as she trailed behind me. I huffed again at her words. Oh yeah, that's great, coming from her. She doesn't have to deal with what I have to. She's perfectly human and can pick whoever she wants to love. And then there's me. Half angel, half human. I can't chose my soulmates. And now I have a whole damn family of vampires as mates.


"It can't be that bad. Having a bunch of vampires at your beck and call. Must be nice, at least they won't be trying to get all bitey, well that's unless it's not in the bedroom", she said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I blushed red. My whole face felt hot at her comment. Yes, if you haven't figured it out yet. I am a virgin. So I was blushing like a virgin. Which I was. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. So how about we watch some movies and order in? Whatcha want? It's your turn to pick", she said as she turned to me. I hmm'd. What was I in the mood for? Burgers or pizza?

"How about burge-", I was cut off once I heard the sound of tires squeaking. I turned my head and saw a car coming towards us at high speed. My eyes widened. Holy shit! I didn't have to much time. Seeing as the car was coming right at us. Who do I save, me or Maddie? I already knew that answer. It was like slow motion. I turned to her and pushed her out of the way of the car. I thought I would have enough time to jump out of the way along with her. But I was wrong. I was so so wrong. I figured that out, when the crushing pain of hot metal hit me hard. I let out a scream. Feeling so much pain. I felt something fly out of my mouth. And to my tastebuds. It was blood.

And then the slow motion stopped and I was back in reality. And reality sucks. Especially when there's a lot of blood and pain. I couldn't move and even if I did. There would be a lot of blood. My eye sight was blurry. I couldn't see a thing. I saw shapes, but that wasn't helping my situation. I couldn't lift my head up from the cold metal of the hood. It actually felt good against my pounding headache. But the rest. Well, there was a lot of blood and I really didn't want to see what my injuries were. I could feel my breathing come in gasps. Seeing as the car was pinning me to another Car and was crushing my lungs. I couldn't really breathe with this amount of pressure on my stomach and lungs.

Was this how I died?

Was it always this painful?


Couldn't it have been painless?

What's going to happen to me?

But then I heard Maddie's voice. She was screaming. "Oh my god! Angel! Angel! Angelica! Come on, don't you die on me! Don't you leave me damn it! You keep your eyes open, damn it! Someone, please! Someone help me!", she screamed. But I was just so sleepy and the taste of blood leaving my mouth didn't taste too good. I couldn't breathe and due to no oxygen. It was giving me a headache and making me feel woozy.

"Please, please angel. Don't leave me. You can't leave me", I heard Maddie whisper to me. But I was just so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I could feel blood in places, seeping down my skin and seeping through my clothes. I groaned softly when I felt something pushing away the giant heaviness on my stomach and lungs. It was being pushed away. But it was still there. It hurt so badly. I just wanted to black out, but the pain was keeping me awake and most likely alive. And then again, the heaviness was taken away from my stomach and lungs. And this time I screamed. The heaviness was gone, but the pain was there. It hit me like a freight train. And before I could fall, I felt arms wrap around me tightly. I groaned at the tightness that person was gripping me so tightly.

It hurt like a hundred fires, they felt like they were burning inside of my body and I couldn't stop the burning. I was burning from the inside out. "You'll be just fine Angel. Well get you to the hospital. You'll be just fine, I promise", I heard the voice of an Angel. Ironic, I know. But they must be a angel if they had the voice of one, right? I heard a chuckle come from the magical angel. "No sweetheart, I'm no Angel", I heard the voice say. But they sounded so much like one. Wait? Did I say that outloud? I must have. I totally embarrassed myself in front of the unknown angel.


I felt even more tired.

All I wanted to do was sleep. Please. Please let me sleep. I just want to sleep.

"Don't go to sleep just yet. Once you reach the hospital, you'll be able to see all you want", the voice said. But I couldn't help it. I just want to go to sleep. I was so so tired. The pain was numbing now. And all I wanted to do was cuddle and fall asleep in this angels arms. I went against the angels commands and slowly let myself fall asleep. Sorry Angel, but I'm tired and I don't think I can listen to you.

Bye bye.

I let the darkness take over. Not knowing if I'll be able to wake up again.

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