Meeting Esme

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Angel's POV

Why am I so nervous to be coming home? I had no idea. But I was. I was nervous. I have no idea why. I mean it's just gonna be my parents, me and Maddie. And I'll probably just go upstairs and get some sleep. Because I'm tired. I yawned and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. Damn that medication is killer on ya. "Someone's tired", I heard my dad say as he chuckled. I couldn't disagree with him. I was really tired. I made a noise to say I agreed with him.

I was halfway to dream town when we got back home. "Angel, Angel, wake up sweetheart. Your home", my dad said as she gently shook me. I whined and Bat at his hands. "Five more minutes", I mumbled. "You are definitely your dad's kid", I heard my father mumble. I couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped my lips when I heard that. But what I didn't expect was to be picked up and placed back in my chair. Damn it. Was that really necessary? "Ugh. Was that necessary? Couldn't I just get five more minutes?", I mumbled. I was half asleep and I was cranky.

But what else I didn't expect was to hear more laughter that didn't come from my dad or my father. Huh? I blinked my eyes and rubbed them with the backs of my hands. Oh shit. I blushed red and turned to my parents. "Could've told me that we were having guests", I scolded them. They just laughed at my shyness. "They wanted to surprise you", my father said. I sighed. And then looked up. All of my mates were here. Well, except for Carlisle and Esme. But I was happy to see them. "Hi", I said shyly. Both Alice and Rosalie awed and came forward. "How are you feeling sweetheart?", Rosalie asked me. I shrugged. "Eh, doesn't feel like I just pinned by a giant truck, or was it a van? I don't remember. But I would really like to have the feeling back in my legs though", I said rambling on and on. "Honey, honey, your rambling", Alice said as she giggled. And I blushed as I realize that I was rambling. "Sorry", I mumbled. I looked down at the ground nervously. "Hey, sweet Angel. You have no reason to be sorry. Your rambles are cute", Edward said as he lifted my chin up to look up at him. "Really?", I whispered. He smiled at me. "Of course. We love to hear whatever you have on your mind", he said winking at me. I blushed even more. Knowing that he reads minds. But then I blushed even more when he leaned into to whisper something into my ear. "I promise not to look at your most private thoughts", he whispered. Oh my grandpa.

"Damn Ed. Your turning her red as a strawberry", I heard Emmett say. I giggled. His eyes went from Edward, then to me. He bent down to my height. "How's it goin' shortie?", he asked me sweetly. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "I-I'm doing good. Just g-glad to be home", I stuttered. And I don't even know why I was stuttering. "Boys, your overwhelming her, give her some space and let her come inside", I heard an unfamiliar voice. But man did I love the sound of it. And when I saw who the owner of the voice went with. I was in awe. She was beautiful. And I had a good feeling that was Esme. I shivered in a good way. She was really really beautiful. But then I blushed when I heard a chuckle come from Edward. I shot him a glare for reading my mind. But he just winked at me. How dare he! I rolled my eyes at him.

And then suddenly I felt my chair being moved. I looked up and saw Jasper. He smiled down at me. "Hello darlin', feeling better?", he asked me. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, a little bit", I said. I don't know why, but I'm not as shy around him then I am with the others. Maybe it's the whole mood changing thing he does. I don't know. I was wheeled up the ramp. Which felt weird going up then having to walk up them.

And soon we were in the house. Maddie was sitting in the living room with Esme. They seemed to be talking about something. Hmmm. But as soon as we got into the room. Their attention was grabbed and turned to us. "Angel!", Maddie said happily as she came my way. I smiled happily. "Maddie!", I said happily. She gave me a big hug. "I'm so glad your home. I can't take you anywhere, can I?", she said, I knew she was being playful. I giggled and swatted her shoulder. "I'm happy to be home too Mads, even though I will miss having a handsome doctor looking after me", I said. But then I forgot. It wasn't just me and Maddie. I blushed redder then red. "Oh my grandpa that's embarrassing", I mumbled. I heard a lot of chuckles and giggles echo the room.

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