I'm sorry

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Third person POV

Jared hated the look on his adopted fathers face. It hurt him to see how destroyed he was. He didn't even stop him when he pushed past him. He turned around and watched as Carlisle pushed through the hospital room they had put her in. Jared hung his head sadly. He should have saved her. He should have pushed that car out of the way. And now, now he has to watch his family break apart. He should have saved her. Maybe they could have been friends. He shook his head sadly. Now none of that can happen. Because he didn't save her.

He just continued to shake his head as he kept his hand on Maddie's shoulder. Who had her head hung to the floor in sadness and heartbreak.


Carlisle rushed through the door. And as he entered the room. He smelt the sweet scent of his mates blood. He could feel venom tears welling up in his eyes. Oh how beautiful she looked in person. His sweet little mate. He slowly made his way towards her bed. He got a closer look at her. He thought she looked like an Angel or a goddess. Even with the blood all over her face. He turned and grabbed some wipes from the cabinets. He took one out and gently started to run it over her skin. The blood on her cheeks were caked to her skin. He gulped down the venom in his mouth. No use for it now. She was already gone. She had no heartbeat. He inhaled a breath. Even though he didn't need to. He continued to wipe away the blood from her face and her lips. Her lip was split, probably because of the impact. He clenched his eyes closed. Oh how he wished he was there to save her. To move her out of the way. To do anything.

He then preceded in wiping away the blood from her forehead. She was beautiful. He only wished he could have met her. That Esme could have met her. Esme would have loved her. And he dreaded being the one to tell her that their mate was dead. He sighed and gently caressed her cheek. "Oh How I wish things were different. If only I had gotten there in time. I'm sorry little one, I'm sorry I wasn't there", he whispered softly. He then noticed her bloody clothes. He shook his head. This just wouldn't do. Not at all. She deserves some clean clothes and not these rags that were covered in blood. He hesitated to move. But called in a nurse. He ordered her to cloth her as he turned his back. Even if she was gone. He would at least give her some privacy.

And once he got the go ahead. He turned around and saw that the nurse was gone. He sped over to her bed side again. Gently putting a hand behind her head and raising it. Her skin was the same temperature as his. He hated that. His children once told him her skin was warm as a summers day. And now, it felt icy cold. He shook his head and softly placed a soft kiss to her forehead. She was beautiful. Beautiful black hair, beautiful baby blue eyes. Her skin was pale originally. She was just perfect all together. And she was going to be his princess, and he was going to be her daddy. In the future. But what future? They no longer had a future together. She was gone. She was long gone before she even got to the hospital and that tore something inside of him. He didn't even have a chance to save her.

"If the end of the world was near
Where would you choose to be?
If there was five more minutes of air
Would you panic and hide
Or run for your life
Or stand here and spend it with me
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?'

He pressed a little harder into the kiss. He closed his eyes and just inhaled her scent. Strawberries, and chocolate mixed with death. Oh how he despised the scent of death. Especially if it was mixed with the scent of his soulmate. He couldn't keep himself up anymore. He fell to his knees. Sobs falling out of his mouth. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry little one. I couldn't save you. I wish I had. Maybe then we could have met", he whispered as he sobbed dryly. Oh how he wished the tears would run down his cheeks. But he knew it wouldn't be possible. Not anymore. He got to his feet, even though he didn't want to. He caressed her cheek once more. He didn't want to put the white sheet over her face. Why cover her beauty? He didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't want to.

He started to caress her hair again. He placed another kiss on her brow. "If only we had met first, my love. I would have showered you in love and adoration. You would be treated like a queen. Oh my love. If only things were different", he whispered softly against her skin. He was in so much grieve. He didn't hear the sound that echoed in his very ears. "Is that past tense.............or can I still get that love and adoration thing..............cause I would kill for some morphine", he heard the voice of an Angel. He stumbled back. Surprise and shock written all over his face. His golden eyes widened in disbelief. But now, he could hear the sound of her heart, beating. He looked like a gaping fish with his mouth open.

He snapped out of it when he heard her give out a whine of pain. He immediately sped over to her and Inserted a I.V. drip. He looked down at her in shock. She gave a weak chuckle. Coughing harshly. "At least your handsome. I'll give you that", she mumbled softly. She then closed her eyes. She was now resting. Carlisle immediately changed into doctor mode. He checked her heart, it was beating normally. Her lungs sounded not so good. Probably a broken rib that pierced one, and he knew for a fact that she would most likely have internal bleeding. He had to prep her, and fast.

He ordered as many nurses and doctors as he could. He had a chance to save his mate. And he wasn't going to waste it.

She was alive.

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