I'm screwed

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Angelica's POV

A few hours later

I banged my head against the wall of my bedroom. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! I can't be mated to the whole damn family. Not that I don't want to be with them. It's the opposite really. What if they don't want to be with me? Once they find out what I am and who my parents are. I'm screwed. My parents will never let me be with them. But I do know one thing. Me and Jared have at least one thing in common. We both won't let my parents hurt them. Maybe just my dad though. Seeing as my father wouldn't hurt my soulmates. Seeing as I have no control over who I mate with. But it'll be a disaster. And who says they'll want me after they find out what happens? I really hope Jared didn't tell them what I was. Or I hope that Edward didn't read his mind to find out what I am.

Yep. Totally screwed.

I banged my head against the wall again. Ugh! Why? Why me?! Not to sound like a total teenager. But I hate the life that was chosen for me. If I had a choice I would still be at home with my parents. But I hardly doubt I would find my mates that way. I sighed again. I hate how they are so beautiful. No being can be that beautiful.

Freaking Emmett and Rosalie. The best couple there is. Beautiful too. Rosalie looks like a freaking doll, I think a Barbie doll, I think that's the term. And then there's Emmett. He's tall, huge and handsome. Everything that I can see a daddy in him. But who says he's into that. Both so beautiful. And who says they would want me? Exactly.

And then there's Edward. Doesn't talk much. But he's handsome. He looks like he likes classical music. But he does look like he's a good listen too. Seeing as he doesn't talk much. He doesn't even talk to me and we're soulmates. Great. I sighed and face planted into my bed. Ugh!

And then there's Alice and Jasper. Totally beautiful. Great couple. They move in sync. Something I can't do. I'm awkward and I don't talk much. Great. Alice, beautiful, really easy to get along with, mostly chirpy, and so happy all the damn time. It's hard for me to hate her. And then there's Jasper. The one guy who makes my insides feel all weird inside. I think the term is butterflies. Especially if he has that power. But I hardly doubt that he made me feel that way towards him. That pleasure. And I don't even know the guy and I want him to be my daddy. How wrong is that?! Definitely wrong. It's just that he's so handsome, his accent is hot, his hair, I want to play with it so badly. And his eyes. His golden eyes, I can just fall into them. He's the damn definition of perfect.


And then there's Dr. Cullen and Mrs. Cullen. Never met them. But I've heard great things about them. And I'm supposedly mated to them as well. Good grandpa. (God). I'm totally screwed. I whined and turned over to where my stuffies were. My stuffies always make things better. Even if it's only for a little bit. I grabbed my stuffed bunny and held him against my chest. I placed one of my paci's in my mouth.

I hummed happily and slowly closed my eyes

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I hummed happily and slowly closed my eyes. This felt better. I had my stuffie, and my favorite paci. And I'm good to go. I was happy. I was tired and when I wake up, I'll be hungry. I let my eyes close. Slowly falling asleep. For some reason, I knew I was being watched over. And it wasn't my family. But I felt safe with whoever was watching me.


Third person POV

Alice and Jasper watched from the trees. Smiling at the image of their sleeping mate. She looked so cute in her outfit, her snuggled up with her cute little bunny. And her sucking on her little paci. Princess, their little princess.

They slowly opened the window and entered the white room. They made no sound. They moved quietly. They sped over to the side of their mate. Hovering over protectively. Alice gently caressed her cheek softly. So soft, so fragile. She was so small. Her baby. Her baby girl. So cute and small. She's like a dream come true. Alice smiled. She'll be a great addition to the family. This little one was hers. Even if she did have to share. She didn't mind. Just as long as she got to keep her little one. "So small, so beautiful", she whispered softly.

Jasper nodded, he kept his distance. Afraid that he would hurt her if he stepped any closer. Alice looked up at him. "You won't hurt her jazz, come over here", she whispered to him so she wouldn't wake the little one. Jasper hesitated but he soon made his way over to the bed. He hovered over her slightly. From where he was standing, she was even more beautiful up close. He slowly raised a hand and caressed her soft hair. The other one gently and softly tapped the paci that was being sucked on by his princess.

He wanted to get her more. He wanted to get her anything she's dreamed of. He would get her a thousand pacis, and a thousand stuffed animals, If that was what she wanted. He wanted to spoil her rotten. His princess. His darlin'. His mate. So tiny, so small, so breakable. And yet he didn't have it in him to even set a harmful hand on her. He wouldn't dare. He just wanted to see his little princess be happy and he wanted to make her happy. And he wanted her to call him daddy. Her daddy. He'll be a good daddy to his little princess.

He froze when he felt her move in her sleep. Now she was leaning against him. The paci she was sucking on fell out of her mouth. He moved quickly and placed it back into her mouth. "There you go princess. Sleep soundly, everything will be okay", he whispered in his Texan drawl. He smiled when he heard her mewl in her sleep. What surprised him was the fact that she gripped his shirt in her tiny fist. Her hands were touching him. Her hands felt so warm.

He looked up at Alice. Who just smiled and tried not to laugh. He knew that she knew he would never hurt her. And that someday would be a good daddy. He looked back down at the sleeping little one that was using him as a pillow. He placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Smiling softly when she leaned into his cold lips. "My sweet princess, I'll always protect you. I promise", he whispered softly. He knew he would always protect her. No matter what.

She was his little princess.

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