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Third person POV A week later.

Angelica was sleeping away on a Saturday morning. She thought she would be able to sleep in. But of course she was wrong about that. She was awoken by cold hands. She mumbled. "Maddie. Stop. Your hands are cold. Let me sleep. It's Saturday. Unless your making waffles I'm not getting up", she mumbled. She then heard a mans chuckle. Which meant whoever was trying to wake her up wasn't Maddie at all. "Goodmorning to you too princess", Edward said with a smile on her face. Angel blew out a breath of air. "Your so mean. Why can't I ever sleep in?", she whined as she slowly opened her eyes. Edward chuckled at her whining. He slowly helped her sit up, since her legs were still healing. He pressed a soft kiss to her hairline.

She leaned into his touch. "Goodmorning", she mumbled. Edward chuckled again. "You aren't a morning person, are you princess?", he asked her with a teasing smile on his lips. She scuffed tiredly. "Don't blame me. Blame my dad. I get it from him", she mumbled. She was still half asleep. Edward couldn't help but smile at her words. His mate was funny when she was half asleep. He brushed the hair out of her face. "Are you hungry?", he asked her. She looked at him. And raised an eyebrow. "Do you even have to ask?", she asked him. As if it was a dumb question. Edward chuckled. "You are very cranky when you don't have food in you. Now come on, Esme made you and Maddie breakfast", he told her.

He picked her up bridle style and put her in her chair that was waiting to be sat in. He sat her down and made sure she was comfortable. And then he wheeled her down the ramp.

Once they got to the kitchen. She saw that the kitchen wasn't empty. Maddie sat at the table, and Esme flittering around the kitchen. But then stopped when she saw Angel. She smiled brightly. "Goodmorning my little dove! Did you sleep well? I'm sure your hungry", she said with a sweet smile on her lips. Angel was still getting used to Esme and the others always being around. But she was slowly getting used to it. But it didn't mean she didn't like having them around. Because she did. It was nice. "Goodmorning Esme, I slept well. And I still would if this one didn't wake me up", she said playfully glaring at Edward. Who just chuckled at her.

"Oh boo hoo, it was time for your lazy butt to get up anyways. The others are still out hunting, they'll be back soon", Maddie said. And soon after she said that. Carlisle walked into the kitchen. He smiled. "Goodmorning everyone", he said with a smile. He then turned to Angel. "Goodmorning little one, how'd you sleep? Let me guess Edward woke you up from your slumber", he said with a teasing smile. She huffed. It pays well to be a vampire and have vampire hearing. "Yes, exactly. I know you guys don't sleep. But I am half human! And human needs sleep. I am human and I need my sleep! So no waking up this human!", she said dramatically. The other four that were in the room laughed at her. She was getting closer to them pretty fast. She was letting her walls down. And not as shy around them. It was a good thing.

"Well, I'll make sure to remind Edward of that", Carlisle said teasingly. Angel huffed. "You better", she said pouting. Maddie laughed. "Don't take her seriously. She's a lot like Dean. Without food or sweets in her first, she's a bit cranky. But she'll be back to her merry self soon", she said. She then laughed at her best friends glare. She never took it seriously. "Hey!", Angel whined.

Carlisle just smiled and bent down. Gently placing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Don't pout little one. It'll be okay", he told her with a teasing smile. Angel couldn't help the tiny smile that appeared on her lips. "Fine. I guess I am a bit cranky when I don't have my breakfast", she said shrugging. And it was true.

Soon enough there was a plate of waffles, eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns in front of her.

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