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Third person POV a few minutes before the accident.

The Cullens were impatiently waiting for the teacher to dismiss them. They were not Patient people. Especially if they wanted to go see their beautiful mate before she left. Edward let out a sigh as the old teacher explained something that he totally forgot. He wasn't really paying attention to what the old man was saying. He didn't really want to pay attention to it anyways. He just wanted to go see his princess. He wanted to see a glimpse of her before she left. But nooooooo. The old man was keeping them from seeing her. He sighed and looked at the rest of his siblings. Alice looked normal but he could tell she was becoming very impatient as well. Jasper was being Jasper. And Emmett, he was being Emmett, seeing as his attention span wasn't really in the mind set of someone talking about anything other their mate or cars. And then there was Rosalie. She didn't care, she let her impatience be shown. She wanted to be out of here just like the rest of them.

He looked out the window. Hoping that this would soon be over.

He shouldn't have thought that. Because his brother came into the room. His eyes full of fear. He scrunched up his eyebrows. "Jared, what is it?", he asked his brother. Jared was looking from him to his other siblings. "It's angel. Car accident. Hit her Straight on. She's hurt, badly", he said. He didn't have to say anything else. And none of them hesitated before running out of the room and out to the parking lot. They stopped in their tracks once they saw the accident that their brother was just speaking about. And it wasn't good.

They could see the teachers trying to get the car away from angel. But none of them were strong enough. Edward turned to Jasper and heard him give out a growl. He disappeared the minute before Edward could stop him. Edward then decided he would help his brother after seeing what he was trying to do. They both pushed the car away from their beloved. Hoping that she at least alive. They heard a feminine scream coming from her. And before angel could fall, Edward caught her in his arms. Blood soaking through his clothes.

He stopped breathing, so he wouldn't inhale the scent of her sweet blood. He had to get her to Carlisle. He had to. If he didn't, she was going to die. "You'll be just fine Angel. We'll get you to the hospital. You'll be just fine, I promise", he whispered to her. And before he could get her to the ambulance, he heard her thoughts. He shook his head and smiled sadly. She thought he was an Angel. He was far from being an Angel. Not like she was. She was his angel. He chuckled softly. "No sweetheart, I'm no Angel", he whispered to her. But then he saw her eyes. They were fluttering closed. He was starting to panic. She couldn't go to sleep now. If she does, there's a risk she won't wake up. So he shook her a little bit. "Don't go to sleep just yet. Once you reach the hospital, you'll be able to sleep all you want", he told her. He only hoped she would listen to his words. He didn't want to lose her and he knew his family didn't want to lose her either. They just got her. They can't lose her now.

But he started to panic again when he saw her eyes start to close again. No. No. No! Don't go to sleep! Don't go to sleep! He tried to shake her awake. But there was no use. She wouldn't open her eyes. He could feel dread in where his heart once was. He shook his head and started to run towards the ambulance. He grit his teeth, he could hear her heart slowing down. He had to get her to Carlisle. Carlisle would know what to do.

He soon reached the ambulance and placed her down on the gurney. He then turned to one of the EMT's. "Please, please help her", he begged the man. The EMT's just gave him a small and sad smile. "We'll do whatever we can son", he said. Only if he knew Edward was much older then him. Edward watched as the EMT jumped into the back of the ambulance. He then watched frozen in place as the ambulance pulled out of the parking lot.

He should have been there. He should have been there to save her. If he was there, he could have saved her and he didn't. Because some stupid human wanted him after class. He grit his teeth at the thought. But then he was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jared. Who gave him a sympathetic look. "Come on, the others are driving to the hospital. Carlisle will know what to do, he always does. She'll be okay, she's tough", he said trying to comfort his brother. But it didn't seem to do much. And he knew that. He sighed and shook his head as he watched his brother get into his car and drive away.

He stood alone in the parking lot. He hoped that Carlisle would know what to do and not let his emotions cloud his thinking. Knowing the minute he sees her, he'll probably be stuck in his own grieve or thoughts.

He only wished that angel would be okay. Even though he didn't seem to like her at first, he needs her to be okay. He needs her to be okay, not for him, but for his family. He knew if she were to die, his family will never be the same. Despite only knowing her a few days. She was their mate, and he knew if she were to die. Nothing would ever be the same ever again. And he can't let that happen.

So she better be okay, she better stick through this.

She's tough.

And she's an Angel. So she has to be okay.


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