Family time

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Angels POV

When I woke up, I felt really groggy. It wasn't a horrible feeling but it wasn't a good feeling either. Maybe it was the morphine still working through my system.

But it took me awhile to open my eyes and fully know where I was. I smacked my lips and slowly let my eyes flutter open. It took my eyes a minute to adjust. Seeing as the lights were blinding me for second. But soon enough my eyes adjusted. Awww that's better. "There she is", I heard the familiar voice of my dad. I slowly turned my head, to see my dad sitting at my bed side. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. And I instantly felt guilty. It was because of me.

"Don't even think about it little girl. None of this was your fault. It was my own damn choice to stay awake. And your a lot like me and your Uncle Sam. Always having to be the hero or sacrifice your safety. No matter how many times I don't want you to, your stubborn as your father. And I can't change that. No matter how much I want to wrap you in bubble wrap. But I will say, that I am proud of you. My baby girl. My little girl is all grown up. Just, just don't die on me next time, okay? Your already giving me grey hairs. I don't need anymore", he said. I couldn't help but giggle at his words. But I also felt loved. I always knew, since I was a little girl, that my dad was proud of me. He always told me he was.

"Thanks dad", I breathed out softly. But loud enough for him to hear. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "Don't ever scare me like that again. Okay? I can't lose you. Your my little girl and I can't lose you. I won't. Your my little girl. Mine. And I won't be able to function if anything were to happen to you. I know your all grown up, but your still my little girl. I can't help but be protective. It's the reason why we sent you out here. It was to protect you. But I wasn't here. I wasn't here to protect you, I'm sorry baby. I'm so so sorry I wasn't here", he said. His voice cracked with every word. He placed another kiss on the back of my hand.

And I couldn't help the tears that were welling up in my eyes. My dad was never one to get mushy. But when one of us gets hurt or worse, he lets his emotions out.

I sniffled. "I'm okay dad. I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere. I promise. Yeah I got pretty hurt this time. But hey, at least I didn't go to hell this time, right? I mean, this is better then going to hell. But I get what your saying. But I am here. I'm right here dad", I told him. He chuckled against the skin of my hand. "You really are my little girl. My fierce, stubborn, bad ass little girl, I love you", he whispered to me. I couldn't help but let a tear roll down my cheek. I smiled though, I wasn't sad. I was happy, I hadn't seen my dad in weeks. And I was so happy to see him.

"I love you too dad. I'm glad your here", I told him. My own voice cracked with emotion. "I'll always be here, always", he whispered.

I sniffled again.

"So, where's father and Uncle Sam?", I asked him.

He chuckled. "Sammy went to go get some shut eye. He's been sitting in this chair for the past few days now. I almost had to force him to go and get some rest. And your father is in the cafeteria, seeing if there was any food that seemed worthy of his little girl. Cause he knows you hate hospital food", he said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but giggle. That sounds like my father.

"And then when your good and ready to leave. We'll take you to the place we've been staying at. It's still not safe for you to go home just yet. But don't worry, we won't take you away from your mates. And yes, I know about them. And as much as I want to hurt them, I know I can't. But if they ever lay a harmful hand on you, I'm coming in with a blow torch and burning them all to hell", he said. I giggled again, Yep, that sounds like my dad. I'm kinda surprised and pretty glad that he excepted them as my mates. I was so sure he would try to stake them first.

But I guess I have a thing or two to learn about my dad.

And then we both heard footsteps. We both turned our heads. To see my father in the doorway. Holding two bags of food. It smelled greasy. And it made my stomach growl.

"There was nothing in the cafeteria that looked like you would enjoy. So I made a pit stop at a hamburger place", he said as he walked in. He set the bags of food on the table. And proceeded in making his way over to my side. He bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'm so glad your okay, my darling girl. You had me worried", he whispered to me. I sighed sadly. "Sorry father", I said softly. He caressed my hair. "It's okay. Just don't do that again, okay? Or at least try not to, seeing as I know you", he said giving me a stern look.

I giggled. "Yes father", I told him. He nodded softly. He then kissed my forehead again. He then made his way to go sit next to dad. "I got your guys favorite", he said to us. And I watched as dad pecked my father on the lips. I always thought it was cute. They may not be married. But they were soulmates. In their eyes, they were married. And I loved how they were around each other. They may be a pain in each other's asses. But they loved each other. I should know, I've seen them together ever since I was a little girl. They were the one for each other. And nothing was ever going to take that away. Not even death, the devil or my grandfather. No matter how they tried. They always come back to each other.

I smiled and then turned back to the table. I grabbed the bag that had my favorite in it. And I began eating. Mmmm. I moaned softly at the taste. Way better then hospital food!

I heard the both of them chuckle at the noises I made. I giggled as I ate a fry.

I was glad that my parents came to see me. And I was glad I got to have this time with them. Usually they were always busy with hunts or others trying to kill us. So we had this time to spend as a family. And I was glad for it.

(Hello my lovelies! I am back! Hope you guys like this update. I am sorry I haven't updated In awhile. I've had some writers block for awhile, but I am back! I love you guys 3000 and more. 😘 😽 💋).

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