Cooking With Esme

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Third person POV

It had been a few days since the whole 'Meeting God' situation. And surprisingly, none of them had brought it up. Angel knew they hadn't spoke of it, because she didn't want to talk about it. She didn't know what to think about it. Her grandfather, who she used to look up to when she was a child, wasn't a good man. That she knew. And the angels that are supposed to be her family, her aunts and uncles, she had quite a few if you ask her. They weren't like the angels that humans talk about. They were bad people. They've tried to kill her and her fathers on multiple occasions. And it sucks, having your family try and kill you, she didn't even know why. She wished things didn't have to be this way. She wished she could have had a better life then this. But she didn't get to choose this life, it chose her. She didn't understand how it could have gotten this bad. She had thought by the stories that humans were told and told, that her grandfather had to be good at some point, right? She did know that they got her uncle Luci right on the dot. He was a very bad man. He tortured people, he even, he tortured her too. Even though they were family. He didn't care. But he wasn't like they described, he didn't have red skin, or horns on his head. He did have the freaky yellow eyes like any other demon.

And then there was her uncle Crowley. He was once as bad, but he was a good guy and he was with her Uncle Sam. But did that mean there was a chance that they could like him and become good too, or was it too late for them? She didn't know, everything about her family was confusing. She knew she didn't have a mom, well she did, kind of, she had two fathers and she loved them more than anything. But she wished she had a womanly figure in her life that hasn't already died. But she did have Alice, Rosalie and Esme in her life. But that was different, they were her soulmates. Sometimes things were too complicated for her to deal with.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a cool hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Esme looking at her. Who gave her a soft and sad smile. She must have been spacing out again. "You okay there sweetheart?", was she okay? She didn't know, not really. But she wasn't about to tell her soulmate that and she was kinda glad that she wasn't with Edward or Jasper at that moment, or else she wouldn't hear the end of it. She didn't know how to explain things to them. She saw their reactions to her grandfather, she knew it wasn't everyday that anyone meets God and finds out he isn't a good person like everyone had thought. She gave Esme a smile back, hoping to try and convince her that she was okay. Or maybe she was trying to convince herself that she was okay. Was she though? The angels were going rogue, and they might go after her. What would that mean for her? Would she have to go into hiding, would she have to fight? She wasn't really in the condition to fight any angels at the moment. What was she supposed to do? She didn't want her soulmates getting hurt because they were protecting her. She knew that they were vampires and all, but they could still get hurt and die. And she didn't want to risk that.

"I'm fine, just lost in my thoughts is all. So, what are we making?", it didn't look like Esme was convinced, but the good thing is that she didn't say anything about it, and for that angel was glad. She would rather not think or talk about it. Even though some time in the future they would have to. But not at that moment. "Well, we'll be making a pizza", Angel was glad that Esme was changing the subject, and she was kinda hungry, so it was a good thing that they were cooking something. Angel smiled up at her soulmate. "Mmmm, that sounds good", which it did, she liked pizza, but it didn't beat burgers and pie. She was her fathers daughter after all. But pizza was just as good.


It didn't take long until the both of them were covered in flour and pizza sauce. The both of them were laughing loudly. Esme moved forward and wrapped her arms around her soulmate. She placed a kiss on her head lovingly. She loved these moments with her sweet little Angel. She knew she was safe and protected here with her. She was happy here with her. And she didn't want anything else but that. She pretended she didn't hear the sound of a camera snapping a picture of the two of them.

But she was caught up in her thoughts as well, she was concerned Angel, after that encounter with..........her grandfather, she seemed to be stuck in her thoughts a lot. And that's what concerned her, she wouldn't talk about any of it. She changes the subject a lot and she didn't want to want to make her uncomfortable by asking. She was concerned that whatever her grandfather had told her had caused her to be this way. Did something happen, was something going to happen? If something was going to happen, why hasn't she told them yet? Was she keeping something from them? Is that why she's always caught up in her thoughts, and if so why hasn't Edward said anything? He must know something's up. Esme sighed softly, despite the fact that she didn't need to. She knew that they would need to focus on this, but not at this moment, she wanted, no needed time with her sweet Angel, and her sweet Angel needed time. Esme placed a soft, lovingly kiss to her forehead.

She knew if it came to a fight, she would fight for her, she would protect her, because she was her soulmate, and she loved her. Even if it means getting hurt in the process of protecting her. She won't let her angel get hurt again. Not on her watch.

She turned to look at Angel, she smiled softly. "How about we pop this thing in the oven and then we go watch a movie while it's cooking?", a smile appeared on her lips. And it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. Her smile was so different from the others she's seen. And she loved knowing her smile was due to her. She loved making her Angel smile and laugh. She wanted to for the rest of eternity. And she'll fight so they can have eternity with each other. She won't back down without a fight.

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