Forks here I come

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Angelica's POV

I looked outside the window of the plane. It was so white and blue, it was beautiful. I could see the sun peaking out of the clouds. It was stunning.

I looked down at my necklace that my parents had given me. Before hell happened. Literally.

On the inside of it was a photo of me, my dad and pops.

On my automatic telephone I have a picture of me, uncle Sammy, and uncle Gabby.

I sighed. Why did I have to leave my family? When they needed me the most at the moment. Uncle Luci was being a asshole, according to pops that's what he was being. Being half angel means I don't know a lot about human slang. But I loved my human father. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here right now. But I miss them dearly. I miss all of my family. I sighed again, I can see why father does this when he's upset. It's very, what's the word, Ah, depressing.

I didn't even hear the captain of the plane on the over head thingy they had. But I was so caught up in my thoughts. That I didn't sense the woman who was shaking me. Ah yes I was sitting next to someone. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to the woman who was sitting next to me. I gave her a smile.

"We're about to get off the plane dearie, welcome to Forks, first time visiting here?", she said. I felt the welcoming vibe that was coming from her, so I smiled at her. "Thank you ma'am, and yes it's my first time in Forks, so I'll be looking to be enjoying my stay", I said with cheer in my voice. Even though I missed my family, I was excited to be visiting, I've never been to Forks before, so I was excited to be visiting a place that I haven't been before.

She gave me a smile back. And before I knew it. The plane had stopped moving, and we were allowed off the plane. I waited my turn patiently, something I get from my father (Cas), according to what my pops says. Once I got off, I went to where they told me I could get my belongings. I did not pack too much of my little things, not wanting people to find out. I only brought a few pacifiers, my blanket, and a couple of my sippy cups, nothing too showy.

Once I gathered my stuff. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I can do this. I am almost a legal adult. I can do this.

But I Again was cut out of my thoughts when I heard someone yell out my nickname. "Angel!", I heard a woman's voice yell, and before I knew it. I was engulfed into a hug. I was shocked. Not knowing exactly what to do. Is this what they do here? Their sign of welcoming? And then the woman who was hugging me pulled back. A smile on her face. I then recognized who was looking back at me. My friend, Maddie. "Maddie", I whispered. She giggled. "So you do recognize me, that's good, I haven't seen you in forever", she said.

I raised an eyebrow, what does she mean by that? I know I've seen her before, so what does she mean by forever? "Forever would mean not seeing.....", I was cut off. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, you idjit, you sound like Cas right now, I swear I need to teach you a few things, but before we do that, we need to get your stuff and into the car", she said. She grabbed one of my suitcases that contained my stuff.

I nodded my head. And I followed her. Walking out of the busy airport. I could have flown here, but father said it was safer to 'fly' on a plane. I suppose it did not hurt to fly on plane. It was amazing. I followed Maddie to her automobile. It was different from baby. But I liked the look of it, so I approved. I helped Maddie put my belongings in the back of the car. And then I rode 'shotgun' I think was the term my pops and uncle Sammy have used. I am not quite sure.

I strapped myself with the safety belt around my middle section. Safety first, father always says that. Because unlike him, I bleed much more easier then he does. That is because he is completely angel and I am only half.

The automobile was filled with silence.

But Maddie broke the silence. "So how are you?", she asked me. I looked at her, looking away from the beautiful scenery. It was so green and different colors I have never seen before. I gave her a smile. "I am fine, how are you Maddie?", I asked her politely.

She smiled at me, the smile I was used to. I liked it, it showed a bit of her teeth, just not all of it. "I'm really good, thanks for asking, but we're going to have to work on that, you sound a lot like Cas when he first came around, and most people around here don't talk like that, but don't worry, I got you covered", she said winking her eye at me. I was confused. What did she mean by work on me? Does she mean how I talk? I don't see what is wrong with the way I talk.

But this isn't home, this is Forks and pops did say to try and blend in. So I will try and blend in. And I'll let Maddie help me with whatever she things is unblendable. I shall blend In. I shall not be discovered.

I can do this.......dude. I think that's what people say. I have only heard my father say it to my uncle Sammy. But I shall use it more frequently. To blend in with the folk here in Forks.

Even though I have no idea why they have called their little town after a utensil that you eat food with. But fear not. I shall blend in. I can change. But I fear I will change too much.

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